Thursday, October 1, 2009

37 Weeks!

Well I had a hard time sleeping last night and was having contractions that to me seemed different. I went to my regular doctor appointment this morning and Dr. Capelli checked me and thought I was about 80% effaced and dilated to 2 or 3. My contractions were about 6-7 minutes apart so he told me to go home and do a few things to get ready but to head to the hospital. I called Stephen, he came home from work, we did several things around the house and then headed to St. Joe hospital. I was admitted, put on monitors and after two hours...sent home. Yes, sent home. It stinks because I would not have gone to the hospital but since Capelli thought I should I really thought that maybe today was the day.

I am home now and still having contractions but I guess I will just wait it out and see what happens. It is all in Gods hands now so when he decides it is time for Landon to come, he will.

I will keep everyone updated but as for now I am still going to work tomorrow and go about my daily routine until something happens to let me know its time.

Stephen and I took a new belly picture last night so here it is along with the old ones for comparison. It has been quite a journey and it is hard to even remember not having a belly. I am just ready for Landon to be here and the belly to start getting smaller.

15 Weeks

24 Weeks

31 weeks

37 weeks


  1. He will be due time! I can't believe you're that close! Can't wait for the news!

  2. I'm sorry you had to come home, but he'll be here soon! I hope you're feeling ok!

  3. You are quite a trooper !! Sorry we still have to wait, but you do look really CUTE with that belly. Be patient. Landon is becoming stronger everyday. We love you lots
