Friday, October 2, 2009

Calm Before the Storm???

Well I am feeling a lot better today. I dont know if it is God giving me a break before my world changes forever or what. I had the best night sleep last night that I have had in a long time. Some of you may not understand the magnitude of this, but I only got up 1 time in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. That is an amazing thing, considering my normail is 6-8 times a night. Also I feel like I have more energy today then normal and that I could do anything. I am working and know things could change any minute around here, but for now I am feeling great.

So what does this mean after my day yesterday? Is is my time to be calm and relaxed before things change or was yesterday really nothing at all. I was definitly having a lot of contractions but where they all for nothing? No one really knows the answer to that but I guess time will tell and staying calm for now is fine with me.

So for now I am doing good and I will let everyone know if anything changes.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, you probably better enjoy the calm. Hope we didn't wear you out today and that you sleep well tonight. All our Love. MOM and DAD
