Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Rest and Relaxation!

Today was a great day! I have never had so many ups and downs before, one day I am contracting and can't sleep then the next day I have very few contractions and sleep great. I guess when I have a bad day I just have to hope that a good day is around the corner. It also helps that my mom surprised me with a pregnancy massage and pedicure. So after an afternoon of relaxing and being pampered I couldn't feel better. The massage was so helpful and now my toes are cute and ready for stirrups.

While I am very ready for Landon to be here, at the same time I cant believe that he will be here in less than two weeks. The fact that any day Stephen and I could become parents is both scary and exciting.

Anyway, I work tomorrow and hopefully can get some sleep tonight and have a good day tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. What a nice surprise! Patrick came home laughing about the dogs!!! Said they both had their noses stuck in the ice cream!!! Patrick actually gave me his last few bites!! YUM!!! Hope Landon enjoys his via the imbilical cord.....soon enough you will be feeding him in your arms! You look AMAZING....won't be long!
    Love ya,
    Aunt Shery
