Tuesday, October 6, 2009

LONG Night!

I had a very hard night last night. It was the most difficult night I have had the whole pregnancy. It started about 10:00 with the normal contractions but they just got harder and harder. The contractions were between 5 and 6 minutes apart until about 2:30 in the morning. The contractions were some of the worst pain I think I have ever experienced. I tried different positions, massage, taking a bath, walking around the house and everything else I could think of to relieve the pain but nothing worked. The bath seemed to be the best and Stephen applying pressure to my back but man was I in pain. We decided that until the contractions were a little closer we were not going to go to the hospital and then about 2:30 the contractions started to spread out to about 7 or 8 minutes apart. I think around 3 they must have spread out a little more because I was able to fall asleep in between them. I woke up several times between 3 and 5:30 due to contractions and having to go to the bathroom but was always able to fall back asleep.

When I woke up at 5:30 to get ready for work I was overwhelmed with many different feelings. I was so upset that these were just practice contractions and that I was going to have to do this all over again but yet relieved that the pain did subside. It is hard to explain but today I am feeling very down and just wishing that everything will soon be over and Landon will be here. I have never felt this much anxiety for anything and it is so hard to know I have no control.

At first I was feeling all this last night alone as Stephen slept. I would try to wake him up and tell him I needed him to do something to help me and 2 seconds later he was snoring. He finally woke up around 1 and rubbed my back, and watched tv with me to distract me. Once I felt like I was not alone things did get easier. I hope Stephen can be supportive when the delivery day really does come, I need him more than anything. I feel bad keeping him awake at night but I can not do this alone and I just needed him to tell me it would be okay.

I am anxious to go the doctor on Friday (I changed it from Thur to Friday due to work) and see what he has to say. Why am I having false labor? Why am I contracting so much for hours and then it just stops And, will I ever know when it is really time to go to the hospital?


  1. Hi Ashley,
    I just read your update and want you to know I have you in my prayers. I don't really know what to say to help make things better for you at this point. But I do know that when this is all over and you hold your precious little boy and your heart is overcome with love and joy that this rough time will all become such a vague memory. Doesn't make this time any easier I know but just know that we are all here for you and Stephen will definately be there for you. If you have to wake him up don't feel bad, he will be ok. If he falls back to sleep just know that unfortunately that is part of how the guys are "wired". So different than us girls who would stay awake all night with you. But that is just the difference in men and women and not much can be done. He loves you and will be there for you every minute. You will just need to let him know. I love you and have you in my thoughts . See you soon...holding your little boy with a huge smile on your face I am susre!!!
    Aunt Shery

  2. Oh babe...I am so sorry you're down. This is a hard time it sounds like. You are in my prayers and Landon's safe arrival is, too. God bless you and hang in there. D-day is almost here :)

  3. I'm sorry to say...like father like son. I walked the floors for 3 days and nights with contractions ranging from 6 minutes to 10 or 15 minutes apart before your lovely husband was born, while Tom snored away in the bedroom.
    But Sherry is right, once he gets here it will pretty much be just a distant memory.
    Love you - Teresa
