Wednesday, October 14, 2009


It is getting closer and closer. I did not get a chance to post yesterday but I had a good day. I was off so I spent the day cleaning and doing things around the house. Then I went to the grocery store and cooked dinner, for the first time in who knows how long. After dinner Stephen and I went to see a movie. It was nice to go on a date just the two of us. Tuesday nights at the theater in LS it is bring your own bowel and they fill it with popcorn for free. So we had a great date night for $10, you can't beat that!

Stephen thinks that since I cleaned the house, cooked dinner and felt really good that I am "nesting", but I think I just want a clean house when I have company after the baby is born. We shall see though, maybe this baby is getting ready to come.

Well, I go to the Doctor tomorrow so we will see what he says!

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