Wednesday, October 21, 2009

So Ready!

I had a good day yesterday, I went to lunch with a friend from work and spent the evening relaxing at home with Stephen. I did not get a lot of sleep last night though and that is not the best way to start the day. I then got to work and saw that I was floated to the PICU. For those of you who do not know I work in a NICU and take care of little babies. At times we are required to float to our Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and we hate it. It is a lot different then what we are used to and it you are in a different environment with people you don't know. Anyway, I immediately was trying to hold back the tears as I thought..."Are you...kidding me?"

Luckily my great friend at work came to my rescue and said she would go for me. I felt very bad making her float, knowing that she hates it just as much as I do, but it was so nice of her to help me out. I usually am not one to complain about floating, it is just one of those crappy things that comes with the job, but being almost 40 weeks pregnant and contracting are things that do not mix well with a day in the PICU. So THANK YOU Christina, I owe you big time!

After that was taken care of I got report on my kids in the NICU and thought oh my, this might be worse then floating. day is looking better, I have been very busy at work and have not been able to take my lunch break yet but at least it is slowing down and I can sit for a few minutes. So all in all my day is looking up and I have a very great friend to thank for that, and that fact that I don't have to come back for 12 weeks!

I go to the doctor tomorrow to see if we will be going to the hospital tomorrow night or Friday morning and I am hoping for Friday morning. I am so nervous, as I have said multiple times but I also have never been so excited for anything in my life.

I will be sure to post tomorrow after the Dr to let everyone know that game plan. My computer is in the shop so I might not be able to post in the hospital. I am going to try to do it on Stephens computer but we will just have to see, but if not I will just let everyone know via the phone when Landon is born.

1 comment:

  1. What a way to start your day. It was sure nice of Christina to help you out. She is really sweet. Glad your day leveled out and hope you can relax and get some good rest tonight. Anxiously awaiting the news after you see the doctor tomorrow. I am praying for your well being every hour. All my Love. Mom
