Friday, October 9, 2009

38 Weeks!

I went to the Doctor today and nothing has changed. I am still dilated to 2 and not completely effaced. Landon is head down but is not engaged in my pelvis. Since he is not engaged we do not want to induce because it will increase my risk for a c-section. So, for now we just wait it out and see if anything happens next week. If not I go to the doctor again next Thursday and then we will talk about induction and what to do next.

I am still anxious about the delivery, I am worried that I will not know when to go to the hospital, that I will not be able to get an epidural and that overall I will not be able to do it. I know I do not have a choice that one way or another Landon will come but I just ask for your prayers that he will come safely, and we will all have a positive experience.

I can't wait to hold my baby boy in my arms and know that Stephen and I did a great thing together.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

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