Thursday, October 15, 2009

8 Days!

I went to the Doctor today and we decided that if Landon does not come by next Friday that we will induce. So the plan is, I will go to the doctor again next Thursday and he will check me, if my cervix is soft enough then Stephen and I will go in to the hospital early Friday morning for induction. If my cervix is not effaced enough then we will be admitted Thursday night and I will receive cervidil (a med that softens your cervix) then Thursday AM we will start Pitocin to induce contractions.

We decided to wait until next Friday to give my body a little longer to go into labor on its own. While going into labor on my own scares me a little with my back and stuff I know Pitocin can be very uncomfortable. I also really hope that we do not have to stay in the hospital over night on Thursday. I am sure I will get a much better night sleep at home in my own bed the night before our son is born.

Anyway, we will see what happens. It is both scary and exciting to know that we will have a baby boy in our arms no later then next Friday.

I work tomorrow and then next week I will work Monday and Wednesday, with Wednesday being my last day at work for 12 weeks! I am so excited for my time off at home with Landon, I know I will be exhausted and it will go by very fast but I am looking forward to it so much.

Hopefully Stephen and I can enjoy our last weekend without a child and spend some time just the two of us. It is so surreal to really know that this is the last weekend we will have before we become parents!

We will keep everyone updated and who know maybe Landon will have something else in mind and decide to come earlier.

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