Sunday, October 4, 2009

Weekend Update

Not a whole lot of change, I know several people are wandering how I am doing so I will try to post a small post each day. I worked all day Friday and then was pretty uncomfortable and had a hard time sleeping Friday night. My contractions were about 5 minutes apart for several hours but slowed down after I took a long bath. I was able to fall asleep around 2 and only woke up a few times.

Then Yesterday Stephen and I had a pretty busy day. I first went wedding dress shopping with Natalie, my brothers fiance, then Stephen picked me up and we went to my nephews soccer game. After that we grabbed a quick lunch and then we headed to my nieces soccer game. Most of my family went to Alexis' game so we decided to go out to dinner afterward. We had a great dinner at cheesecake factory but did not get home until around 11. It was a great day but I was very tired and was having contractions about every 5 minutes when I got home. My back was hurting really bad and it was hard to tell if it was the contractions or just because my back is always sore after a long day. Anyway I was awake until about 4 and ended up only getting a few hours of sleep.

Stephen and I went to church this morning and when we came home I took a two hour nap while he went to the barn and now he is mowing and I am going to do a few things around the house before I probably lay down for another nap.

I am thinking I might have to try to change my work schedule next week. I work on Tuesday and if I come home and have lots of contractions all night then I am afraid I will not be able to work on Wednesday. Hopefully I can make it so all my days are spread out but we shall see.

All in all today I am feeling pretty good, I think I have just gotten to the point where I need to take it a little easy. It is a hard thing to do for me, I like to stay busy and do lots of things, but right now my body is telling me to slow down.

It would be a different story if I thought the contractions I was having were doing something to make my body go into labor. If I thought Landon would come it would be worth it to stay busy, contract, loose sleep, etc. Although for me it seems I contract all the time for no real reason, and it is no fun at all.

Anyway we ask you keep us in your prayers. We hope God will be with us and everyone involved in Landon's delivery to help our little boy come in to this world safely.

We will continue to keep you updated.

1 comment:

  1. Take heart, my friend...there is no such thing as a "contraction for no reason!" Each contraction, even if you're not in labor is in some way preparing your uterus, your cervix, and/or your baby for your delivery to come. EVERYTHING happening is progress! Take care of yourself and get ready for the biggest thrill of your life!
