Thursday, October 22, 2009

First night in hospital

well we got to the hospital about 7:30 and got checked in. The nurse checked me and said she thought I was dilated to about a 3 and 80% effaced. She didn't think I needed the cervidil. She said we could either go home and come back at like 5:30 AM or stay here and get started early. She then called Dr. Capelli and he wanted her to recheck me at 10 and see if I had changed at all and if not he still might want to do cervidil.

So we stayed here, the anesthesiologist came and started my IV and I watched Greys Anatomy and Private Practice. Then the nurse came and checked me and said I am now a 4 and 90% effaced. She believes there is change and so she went to call Dr. Capelli again.

After she talked to Capelli, the verdict is...we will wait to do anything until the AM. So 5:30 or 6 we will start Pitocin. I just took some sleeping pills so that hopefully I will get a good night sleep and be rested for a long day tomorrow.


  1. Hope you get some rest. Sounds like things are progressing - who knows - maybe Landon will decide things for himself. I am anxious to come and share the joy - I know you will do great !!

  2. That is so exciting that things were progressing without starting anything. I hope all goes well today! I am sure you are very anxious to see your little boy! Can't wait to hear the news!

  3. Oh my gosh! I bet I know what you are doing right now! WHEEEEEEEE!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'm dying to know how it's going
