Thursday, October 22, 2009


Well my cervix has not had any change so Stephen and I will head to the hospital tonight about 7. They will start Cervidil, a med to soften my cervix. Then about 6:30ish in the AM they will start me on Pitocin. My Doctor should come by around 7:30 or 8 and break my water and we will see what my body does from there. If the Pitocin can make me contract and dilate that is great, if my body does not progress we could be looking at a c-sectin.

Hopefully the cervidil is not too painful and we are able to get a good night sleep. Tomorrow will most likely be a long day but hopefully everything will go good and in the end nothing will matter except Landon's safe arrival. My computer is fixed and we are taking it with us to the hospital so check the blog tomorrow for updates. Talk to you soon!


  1. Ashley, I just said the Rosary for you. I used the beautiful crystal one that you took on a pilgramage and had it blessed by the Pope for me. I have a very old meditation booklet on how to pray the Rosary, and I used it, because it seems very special. This afternoon I said the Joyous mysteries and tomorrow morning I am going to pray the Glorious mysteries. I just wanted to let you know how much I am thinking about you, and praying for you and Stephen and baby Landon. Love and hugs and kisses.

  2. Praying and thinking, thinking and praying. You are going to do GREAT! Will be checking with great anticipation!!

  3. Our love and prayers are with you!

