Monday, August 31, 2009

Hormones Stink

Well what can I say besides I hate hormones? I had a slight breakdown last night and Stephen handled it very well. It is amazing how fast you can go from perfectly fine to crying over nothing. Some moments I am so excited and feel so blessed about everything in my life and other moments I don't know what happens but I just feel scared, sad and overwhelmed.

I am a type A personality and it is no surprise that I like everything to be perfect. I am too tired to keep up and do all the things I used to do and it is just hard. I try to give myself a break and remind myself that I am near the end of my pregnancy and it is okay to be tired and for everything to not be perfect but it doesn't always work. I even feel guilty for feeling sad. It is hard to admit when you are feeling down but sometimes you just have to let it out.

I am lucky to have such a great husband that understands and is supportive no matter what type of mood I am in. Last night he just let me cry and he held me until I felt better.

I think when I leave work after 13 hours I just feel more pregnant than ever, every part of my body is sore and I am so tired that anything can make me cry. I do much better on my days off when I can here is to next day off!

Whenever I am having a hard time it always makes me feel better to just go sit down and relax in Landon's room. I wander if he will mind when I am still doing it when he is 16?


  1. Glad Stephen can help you feel better. And, sorry to say, but Landon's room probably won't be quite as relaxing when he is 16. You will however, still enjoy going in it.
    Love you all

  2. It does get better -- not immediately after Landon's born, of course (gets a little worse), but after a few weeks you'll start to feel sane again. And when you start sleeping through the night it's like an epiphany -- all of a sudden you'll be able to complete sentences and actually remember why you walked into a room! If Stephen ever needs someown to commiserate with or help him figure out some particularly bizarre situation, have him call Jason -- it's definitely fresh in his mind. :o)
