Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Good News!

Well my Doctors appointment went well today. I talked with him about all the contractions I have been having and my fears of preterm labor. He decided to go ahead and check me today to make sure my cervix was not thinned or dilated at all. Everything looked good and he had no reason to believe that my contractions were anything more than Braxton Hicks. He went ahead and did a test called a fetal fibronectin (FFN). This test looks for a hormone that is released before delivery. If the test is negative then there is only a small chance I would go into labor in the next two weeks. On the other hand if the test is positive it would allow the Dr. to take further steps to ensure I do not go into labor.

I do not have the results back yet but should in a few days, he will be doing this test every two weeks from here on out. This will help to reduce my anxiety about my contractions and having Landon too early.

As long as when I go every two weeks the test are negative then I should be good, if one week the test comes back positive then we will do the necessary interventions to hopefully keep Landon baking!

Thanks for your prayers and we will keep you updated.

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