Tuesday, September 1, 2009

2 Years

Today is Stephen and my two year Anniversary. We feel so blessed to be so happy and to have each other. Tonight we went to dinner on the plaza and enjoyed one of our last nights out before Landon is born. We had a great time just the two of us but are looking forward to the three of us.

I also went to the Doctor today and he decided to do another fetal fibronectin since I am still having a lot of contractions. I will not know the results until early next week but hopefully it will be negative and we can keep Landon put for a few more weeks.

When he checked me he said I am starting to dilate (only to about 1) and I am 70% effaced. He thinks hopefully nothing will happen for a few weeks but he guesses I will not make it past 36 or 37 weeks. My goal is to get to 37 weeks, but we will see how Landon feels about that. I also found out that I have a bladder infection and so I am on antibiotics for that. Landon is measuring good and probably weighs around 4 or 4.5 pounds.

I will go back to the Doctor in two weeks and then after that probably weekly. It is crazy how close this is getting. I cant believe that we could have a baby here in our arms in 3-4 weeks. I have several things I would like to get done before he is born and hopefully I can get lots accomplished in the next few weeks.

Anyway that's the update for now and I will keep you all posted.

Stephen and I are heading to the lake this weekend with my entire family, it should be fun filled and hopefully a little relaxing.

1 comment:

  1. You know what they say about the best laid plans. I recommend getting everything you need done at least a week before you need to -- otherwise you could end up like me, trying to convince the nurse that your water didn't really break...it must have been something else.

    Let us know when you get the test results. We're praying Landon stays put for a few more weeks, but we're so excited that he'll be here soon!
