Monday, August 17, 2009

The Lake

Well Stephen and I enjoyed another great weekend at the lake. It was just my parents and us. Saturday my mom and I decided to go fishing with the boys, we thought we would just fish an hour or so and then the boys would bring us back to the Landing to shop, but instead we stayed out there all morning with them. We caught 8 fish, and Dad and Stephen thought it was hilarious that we named them all. We caught: Amelia, Fred, Herbert, Lilly, Floyd, Marrion, Lulu and Lionna. It was so much fun. Then we went out on the other boat and did an evening cruise and cooked and ate dinner on the boat. The weather was great and it was so relaxing.

Then as if the weekend couldn't get better, mom and I went to the spa on Sunday, while the boys fished again. I had a mom to be massage, a pedicure and a manicure. It was all so nice. Mom and I had so much fun.

It was so nice to have another relaxing weekend. Thanks mom and dad for everything.

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