Monday, August 17, 2009

Doctor Appointment

The Doctor went well today. Landon looks great and is measuring about 3.5 lbs. Dr. Capeli talked to me about considering just doing a c-section and while I want to deliver vaginally, I am scared. I want to do what is best for Landon while at the same time doing what is right for me and my back. It is hard to know what that is. I will still be considering scheduling a C section but I think I am going to try first to deliver and see how things go. Dr. Capeli thinks I have about a 50-50 chance of having to have a c section.

I have been having less contractions this week, so he decided to not do a FFN at this point and just take it by ear. I will return to the Doctor in two weeks and we will see how things look then.

Dr. Capeli also now has by back X-Rays and is going to be meeting with an anaesthesiologist about my case. Hopefully that will go well and he will be willing to do an epidural. If not we will have to reconsider things. If he is not willing to do an epidural I might have to go under general anesthesia if a C section is needed, and that I definitely do not want.

So we will just have to see what he says and then make the best decision we can.

Hope all is well.

I am so excited for this upcoming weekend: I have my family baby shower and then also we are getting our 3-D sonogram. Yipeee!

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