Monday, August 31, 2009

Hormones Stink

Well what can I say besides I hate hormones? I had a slight breakdown last night and Stephen handled it very well. It is amazing how fast you can go from perfectly fine to crying over nothing. Some moments I am so excited and feel so blessed about everything in my life and other moments I don't know what happens but I just feel scared, sad and overwhelmed.

I am a type A personality and it is no surprise that I like everything to be perfect. I am too tired to keep up and do all the things I used to do and it is just hard. I try to give myself a break and remind myself that I am near the end of my pregnancy and it is okay to be tired and for everything to not be perfect but it doesn't always work. I even feel guilty for feeling sad. It is hard to admit when you are feeling down but sometimes you just have to let it out.

I am lucky to have such a great husband that understands and is supportive no matter what type of mood I am in. Last night he just let me cry and he held me until I felt better.

I think when I leave work after 13 hours I just feel more pregnant than ever, every part of my body is sore and I am so tired that anything can make me cry. I do much better on my days off when I can here is to next day off!

Whenever I am having a hard time it always makes me feel better to just go sit down and relax in Landon's room. I wander if he will mind when I am still doing it when he is 16?

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Shower #3

Well Saturday was my third baby shower. My good friend Andrea had it at her house and all my friends from nursing school were there. It was so great to see everyone, some of which I have not seen in a long time. Of course the food was great and we all had fun playing games.

We got some great gifts for Landon: his bath tub, bath toys, lotion, soap, wipe warmer, wipes, baby monitors, baby carrier, crib toy, cute canvas baskets, blankets, play mat, clothes, and so much more. My friends are so great!

Thank you to everyone that could come and I hope we all can hang out again soon.

Mom, Becky and Heather

Andrea, mom and me

Katherine getting into the diaper game

Monday, August 24, 2009

Fun Day!

Today I spent the day washing all of Landon's new things and putting them away. I organized his closet and put everything away. I found a home for everything and new homes for a lot of Stephen and my stuff. It was so exciting and fun to look at everything and get it ready for him. We still have several weeks to go but Stephen and I are having so much fun getting ready for Landon.

We have another shower this weekend and I am looking forward to seeing all my friends.

Also we are waiting to hear for sure but we are excited that Stephens parents might come in town for the weekend. If so hopefully they can be here for the sonogram and for the shower. They have not been able to see the room either so it will be great for them to get to come in town.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sneak Peak

We were not able to do our sonogram on Sunday, hopefully we will be able to do it either Friday or Saturday of this week. We are really excited for the sonogram and cant wait until we can see what mr. Landon looks like.

Also here is a sneak peak of the belly pictures we had taken the other day. The photographer put three on her blog. I should have the rest of them back in a week or two. Here is the link to her blog. We hope you enjoy.

If it is not the first pictures, scroll down a little, she posted them on Sunday Aug 23.


This weekend was full of so much fun and excitement. Sunday my Aunt and Nanie had an amazing shower for me. My Aunt and Grandma did so much to make the shower perfect for me. All my favorite food was there, everything of course was blue and brown, the decorations were so cute and there were so MANY people there. It was a lot of family and then also some close family friends.

Stephen and I are so fortunate to have so many people in our lives that love and want to support us. We were so blessed with so many gifts. Just to name a few: tons of cute clothes, blankets, towels, wash clothes, soaps, lotions, baskets, our high chair, pack and play, swing, bouncy seat, stroller and so much more.

The shower was so much fun and could not have been nicer. We want to thank Nanie, Aunt Shery, Lindsey and all the other people that helped to make it what it was.

Also my mom and Nanie made a diaper cake that turned out so cute. I want to thank them for taking on that challenge and doing such a great job.

Take a look at the pictures below of the big day.

Aunt Shery, Me, Mom and Nanie with all the great food

Friends and Family

Landon M&Ms

The kids helping me open gifts

The awesome diaper cake

Saturday, August 22, 2009


We had our professional belly pictures taken the other day. I should have the proofs in about two weeks and when I do I will post the link on here, until then here a picture Stephen took today of my ever growing belly.

Tomorrow is my family baby shower and our 3-D ultrasound and I am SOOOOO excited for both. I'll be sure to write and share pictures soon.

Here was today at 31 weeks

and here was the last one for comparison (24 weeks)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Harder Day

Well I spoke too soon about my contractions not being as frequent. Yesterday and today they have been very frequent and painful. Also yesterday at work I was nauseous all day and could not keep food down. It was no fun to be throwing up again, hopefully it will not be something that continues to happen.

Last night I had a very hard time sleeping with the contractions, I got up around 5 and took a hot bath and that relaxed me enough to fall asleep for a few hours. The contractions continue to be in my abdomen but now they are also migrating to my back, which is no fun at all.

It still seems like I have a lot of time left and I am hoping that I will not have contractions like this until the end.

Well tonight we are getting pictures taken of my belly. I hope they turn out cute.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Doctor Appointment

The Doctor went well today. Landon looks great and is measuring about 3.5 lbs. Dr. Capeli talked to me about considering just doing a c-section and while I want to deliver vaginally, I am scared. I want to do what is best for Landon while at the same time doing what is right for me and my back. It is hard to know what that is. I will still be considering scheduling a C section but I think I am going to try first to deliver and see how things go. Dr. Capeli thinks I have about a 50-50 chance of having to have a c section.

I have been having less contractions this week, so he decided to not do a FFN at this point and just take it by ear. I will return to the Doctor in two weeks and we will see how things look then.

Dr. Capeli also now has by back X-Rays and is going to be meeting with an anaesthesiologist about my case. Hopefully that will go well and he will be willing to do an epidural. If not we will have to reconsider things. If he is not willing to do an epidural I might have to go under general anesthesia if a C section is needed, and that I definitely do not want.

So we will just have to see what he says and then make the best decision we can.

Hope all is well.

I am so excited for this upcoming weekend: I have my family baby shower and then also we are getting our 3-D sonogram. Yipeee!

The Lake

Well Stephen and I enjoyed another great weekend at the lake. It was just my parents and us. Saturday my mom and I decided to go fishing with the boys, we thought we would just fish an hour or so and then the boys would bring us back to the Landing to shop, but instead we stayed out there all morning with them. We caught 8 fish, and Dad and Stephen thought it was hilarious that we named them all. We caught: Amelia, Fred, Herbert, Lilly, Floyd, Marrion, Lulu and Lionna. It was so much fun. Then we went out on the other boat and did an evening cruise and cooked and ate dinner on the boat. The weather was great and it was so relaxing.

Then as if the weekend couldn't get better, mom and I went to the spa on Sunday, while the boys fished again. I had a mom to be massage, a pedicure and a manicure. It was all so nice. Mom and I had so much fun.

It was so nice to have another relaxing weekend. Thanks mom and dad for everything.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Great Weekend

Stephen and I had a great weekend. We talked yesterday about how nice it was to be able to do whatever we wanted and not have a lot that needed to be done. Saturday we cleaned the house and had friends over for dinner. It was great to spend some time with Michael and Andrea and their daughter Mackenzie. Seeing Stephen hold and play with Mackenzie made me so excited for the day I get to see him hold Landon.

Sunday we had so much fun, we just enjoyed being able to enjoy a whole day by ourselves. we went to church, then out to breakfast before running a few errands. After that we decided to go to my moms to swim, then we came home and I rested for a little bit. When I got up we went to our church for an ice cream social, who doesn't like free ice cream and a band? Then on our way home we decided it would be fun to take the dogs to the park for a walk. Tucker and Tanner where in heaven, they were able to do all their favorite things: be outside, go for a walk and play with other dogs. After our walk we brought them home and Stephen and I went to dinner, and then came home and ate popcorn in bed and watched a movie.

It was a very busy day but one of the best days I have had. I am so lucky that I get to share my life with my best friend and although we had so much fun yesterday, just the two of us, we are both so excited to start our journey as parents.

This weekend we are going to the lake with my parents for a little relaxation, fishing, boating and maybe a trip to the spa :)

Then Monday I go to the Doctor again. Hope all is well with everyone!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Test Results

Well I did get my test results back today and my FFN was neg. That is great news and pretty much means that unless my membranes rupture I should not go into labor for the next two weeks. I will go back to the Dr in two weeks and have it checked again but for now I can relax a little.

Thank you for all the prayers, we are thankful for our family and friends that keep us in their prayers and know God is keeping Landon safe.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Good News!

Well my Doctors appointment went well today. I talked with him about all the contractions I have been having and my fears of preterm labor. He decided to go ahead and check me today to make sure my cervix was not thinned or dilated at all. Everything looked good and he had no reason to believe that my contractions were anything more than Braxton Hicks. He went ahead and did a test called a fetal fibronectin (FFN). This test looks for a hormone that is released before delivery. If the test is negative then there is only a small chance I would go into labor in the next two weeks. On the other hand if the test is positive it would allow the Dr. to take further steps to ensure I do not go into labor.

I do not have the results back yet but should in a few days, he will be doing this test every two weeks from here on out. This will help to reduce my anxiety about my contractions and having Landon too early.

As long as when I go every two weeks the test are negative then I should be good, if one week the test comes back positive then we will do the necessary interventions to hopefully keep Landon baking!

Thanks for your prayers and we will keep you updated.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Today I went to lunch with some friends from work and then we decided to get very crafty and make Landon's name for his room. We decide to buy letters, and cut out paper to put on each letter and then use Mod Podge to adhere the paper to the letters. We had so much fun making them and I think they turned out really cute. Thanks Christina, Monica and Ashley!

My parents came over tonight and helped us hang the letters over his crib. It was quit an ordeal but I am very happy with how they turned out. Here are some pictures of the finished project. I took some up close pictures so you could see the paper design on the letters. Then the last picture is of the nursery with the chair in it since I hadent posted one. We love our chair and cant wait to sit in it and rock Landon to sleep!

Sorry about the glare on all the pictures.

Monday, August 3, 2009

A Rough Few Days At Work

I have been having a lot of contractions (Braxton Hicks) lately. This weekend at work they were getting closer together and more painful. Saturday night Stephen and I were close to visiting the hospital to make sure everything was okay but decided not to once I was able to lay down and rest. Tomorrow I go to the doctor again and I am hoping he will say everything is okay. Although I am nervous that instead he will tell me I need to go on work restriction or stop working all together. Although that would be very hard, we just want Landon to be healthy and we will do whatever it takes to ensure that. Please keep us in your prayers and hopefully Landon will stay put for at least 8 more weeks!

I will update everyone after I get home from the Doctor tomorrow evening.

On a different note we also have our tour and pre-registration at the hospital tomorrow. I think we are both excited to see where we will deliver and be for the first few days of our sons life. Talk to you soon.