Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Prayers Needed!

My family could use a few extra prayers this week. My great-grandmother (my moms grandmother) is 97 years old and had to be hospitalized on Saturday for a bowel obstruction in her large intestines. Since she is so old there is nothing that can be done. They made the decision today to move her to a hospice home and just try to keep her comfortable. She has a tube down her nose to drain her stomach and she is unable to eat or drink anything. They also made the decision to withdraw IV hydration today to allow her body to go through the natural dying process. She is on morphine to keep her comfortable but her organs are starting to shut down and she will probably only live a few more days.

We all know that it is better for her to be received into heaven instead of to fight here on earth any longer but it is still hard to watch. We just want her to be comfortable and relaxed her last days here on earth. She still has her sense of humour but is starting to be harder and harder to understand. Today I was visiting her and we have to hold her hands to keep her from pulling out the tube in her nose. She went to scratch her nose and my mom held her hand and asked her what she was doing and without opening her eyes she responded, "Just what you don't want me to do." Grandma has had a great 97 years and we will truly miss her when she is taken home but know she will be in heaven laughing and smiling.

Please keep our family and my grandmother in your prayers.

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