Saturday, June 6, 2009

It's a very Healthy BOY

I am sorry I was not able to post last night but after the sonogram we went to USA Baby and looked at a few things and purchased our first baby item, besides the furniture. We bought our stroller and car seat. It is very exciting to buy such a large item and to start looking at all the other things we will need to get. Then we went out to dinner to celebrate our healthy baby and then I had a baby shower for a friend at work. So all in all it way a very busy afternoon and evening.

But anyway, we had our sonogram and everything looks great. The baby is healthy and his heart looks good, his intestines are in his abdomen where they should be, he is great size and he is moving around in there a lot. He was not cooperating very well, he was sitting Indian style for most of the sono but with a little poking Dr. Capelli was able to get his to spread his legs and show us what he said was a penis. I have to be honest it was very hard to tell anything but the Dr. seemed very confident and certain that we will be welcoming a son in October.

I don't think I have ever seen Stephen so happy. He was smiling from ear to ear and could not be more excited for the arrival of his son. It was so neat to see him moving around and being active. We are still planning on doing a 3-D sonogram a little later to get some better pictures of our little man.

I feel so blessed that he is healthy, when you see what I see everyday you tend to not take healthy babies for granted. We just want to thank God that our baby is healthy.

The first question everyone asks when they find out what you are having is if you have a name picked out, so just so you all know we have no ideas for a name yet and would love any suggestions that you may have.

Now it is time to start decorating the nursery and SHOPPING! I am so excited for all the things to come.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! It is wonderful, first and foremost, to hear that your son is healthy. We are so excited to meet him! Have fun shopping! :)

  2. YAY for the Lima Bean!! I'm bound and determined to help you think of a name! I'm so excited for you!!
