Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Time for a Belly Update

Well I promised several weeks ago that I would post a new belly picture. So here it is. I am now almost 24 weeks and my belly is definitely growing by the day. Tucker and Tanner do not seem to be too interested in my belly but I did think the picture of them was too cute to not share.

I am going ahead and posting the old ones too for comparison. It is amazing how much things have grown and changed.

On another note Stephen has been working very hard on the baby room and it is looking amazing. I can not wait until it is finished and I can share the pictures with you. Our bedding came in over the weekend and we LOVE it. It is so cute and exactly what I wanted, I cant wait now to get it all washed and on the crib soon. More to come!

9 weeks

15 weeks

24 weeks

Tucker and Tanner kissing my belly

Monday, June 29, 2009


Well we are home from a great weekend at the lake with all our friends. We went down on Thursday night and we spent all day on the boat Friday and Saturday. It was so much fun...hot, but fun. Rich and Moni came in town from California and it was so great to get to see them. We spent the evenings at the house aroud the fire pit singing songs and eating smores. Then on Sunday we went shopping before eating at Lamberts on our way home.

Stephen and I are so blessed to have such a great group of friends and we love our annual lake trip when we can just relax and enjoy the company. Here are a few pictures of our fun in the sun!

Becky playing with Mackenzie

Dad taking a nap on the boat

Just getting a little Sun

Scuba Steve and Scuba Mike

Rich catching some zzzz's, (it is amazing how tired a day in the sun will make you)

Rich and Moni

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Furniture and Baby Kicks

We had another productive day. Stephen and I went to pick up our furniture at USA Baby and we also picked out and ordered a glider/recliner for the nursery. Stephen thinks it the best thing in the world and that he can sleep in the nursery. So I guess that means he is offering to get up in the middle of the night with the baby...we will see when the time comes. Anyway we brought all of our furniture home and for now it is in boxes but as soon as the room is painted we will start putting it all together. I cant wait to see it all in the room. My parents bought all our furniture for his room and we are so fortunate. Thanks Mom and Dad for the beautiful furniture!

Stephen finished all the wainscoting so now it is on to caulking and painting and maybe by the beginning of July we will have it painted. Stephens parents purchased all of our bedding and other things for our nursery for us and we ordered them on Saturday. I am so excited to see the bedding in person instead of just online.

We have been so fortunate and lucky that our parents are so generous and want to help is so much. We hope they all know how much we love and appreciate it.

So maybe by next week I will have the bedding and be able to get it all washed up and ready to go on the crib when it gets put together. Our goal is to have the nursery set up by the end of July so Aug and Sept we wont have to worry about it and we can focus on our showers and everything else we need to do to get ready. When you work where I work I think you find that you should always be prepared early because you never know what will happen.

Also on Monday night Stephen was able to feel the baby move for the first time and that was the greatest feeling. I have been trying for several weeks to get him to feel it but he can never feel anything. So Monday I said "put your hand here and just relax" and then all the sudden he went "wow was that it, oh my gosh I can definitely feel that, he kicked hard" It was so cool to share that with him.

I am so thankful for everything I have been blessed with and we will continue to thank God everyday for all that we have.

Well we are off to the lake this weekend with our friends and we are both very excited. I will post all about it when we get back.


Well I do not talk about work much but I had a very big week. I have been taking care of a little girl named Iliana since December. She is now almost 7 months old and finally got to go home this week. When you take care of someone for three days a week every week for that many months you get so attached. I am so happy she is now at home with her family where she belongs but I will sure miss her smile at work everyday.

When days like this come around it reminds me of how much I love my job and know I am doing the right thing.

With Ilians parents permission I would like to share some pictures of her with. She is such an amazing little girl and her smile can light up any room.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Very Sucessful Day

First I want to say HAPPY FATHERS DAY to my wonderful husband. He is such an amazing guy and I am so lucky to be sharing my life with him. I hope he has a great day and knows how much Tucker, Tanner, Baby Boy and myself love him.

Stephen and I had a very busy day. First we took Tucker to the vet and you will be happy to know that his ear is healing nicely and he is now cone free. He is a much happier little guy without his cone on his head.

Here is a picture of Tucker cone free!

Then we went to USA Baby to pick up our stroller and car seat. We ordered it a few weeks back and it came in so we decided to pick it up. We got it home and Stephen went ahead a put it together. I don't know what we need a stroller and car seat for in the next 4 months but we have it and it is ready.

Then We started the BABY ROOM. We bought all the wood to do the wainscoting. He started cutting the wood and putting it up and he was able to get about half way done. He is at home today working on it more, while I am at work. He thinks he can get all the wood up by tomorrow and then on to step two...paint! I am taking pictures along the way and when we are finished I will put pictures of the whole process.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Visiting WV

Stephen and I left on Saturday after the funeral to go to WV to see his family for a few days. We had so much fun and it was so great to see everyone. His parents had a cookout/baby shower for us and his whole family plus some friends came to celebrate with us. We got to talk to everyone and spend lots of time catching up.

We also received several very cute outfits, a few bibs, a future west virgina university bottle, some awesome books, two musical DVDs, some giftcards and lots of money to help us get other things we need.

It was so much fun to have our first shower and it makes us excited for the things that are to come. We want to thank Stephen's family for everything they have done and let them know we cant wait to see them all again!

Stephen and Me

This picture is us with stephens parents. Grandma and Grandpa Lewis!

Here we are with Stephens grandparents. Soon to be great granparents

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Grandma Cassidy

My Grandmother did pass away last night while my mom and her family were with her. I went to the hospice home after she had passed and we sat with her for a few hours. We went through old pictures, told stories and had a few good laughs, just what grandma would of wanted us to do. The services are this Friday and Saturday and I know it will be hard but I am glad grandma is in a better place. I am sure she is looking down on us dancing with my grandpa and very happy.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Prayers Needed!

My family could use a few extra prayers this week. My great-grandmother (my moms grandmother) is 97 years old and had to be hospitalized on Saturday for a bowel obstruction in her large intestines. Since she is so old there is nothing that can be done. They made the decision today to move her to a hospice home and just try to keep her comfortable. She has a tube down her nose to drain her stomach and she is unable to eat or drink anything. They also made the decision to withdraw IV hydration today to allow her body to go through the natural dying process. She is on morphine to keep her comfortable but her organs are starting to shut down and she will probably only live a few more days.

We all know that it is better for her to be received into heaven instead of to fight here on earth any longer but it is still hard to watch. We just want her to be comfortable and relaxed her last days here on earth. She still has her sense of humour but is starting to be harder and harder to understand. Today I was visiting her and we have to hold her hands to keep her from pulling out the tube in her nose. She went to scratch her nose and my mom held her hand and asked her what she was doing and without opening her eyes she responded, "Just what you don't want me to do." Grandma has had a great 97 years and we will truly miss her when she is taken home but know she will be in heaven laughing and smiling.

Please keep our family and my grandmother in your prayers.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Poisen Ivy

I have had poisen ivy for the last 10 days or so and it does not seem to be going away. Today I finally went to the docter and got some medication. I have never had poisen ivy before, but thanks to my wonderful husband I am now experiencing what I have heard so many people complain about. Stephen got poisen ivy from fishing at the barn on memorial day and then I got it from him a few days later. While his is healing nicely mine is getting larger and larger, that is just how my luck rolls. Anyway hopefully a few days of steroids and stronger cream will do the trick. Other then that I am doing great, feeling the baby move and growing larger by the day!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

It's a very Healthy BOY

I am sorry I was not able to post last night but after the sonogram we went to USA Baby and looked at a few things and purchased our first baby item, besides the furniture. We bought our stroller and car seat. It is very exciting to buy such a large item and to start looking at all the other things we will need to get. Then we went out to dinner to celebrate our healthy baby and then I had a baby shower for a friend at work. So all in all it way a very busy afternoon and evening.

But anyway, we had our sonogram and everything looks great. The baby is healthy and his heart looks good, his intestines are in his abdomen where they should be, he is great size and he is moving around in there a lot. He was not cooperating very well, he was sitting Indian style for most of the sono but with a little poking Dr. Capelli was able to get his to spread his legs and show us what he said was a penis. I have to be honest it was very hard to tell anything but the Dr. seemed very confident and certain that we will be welcoming a son in October.

I don't think I have ever seen Stephen so happy. He was smiling from ear to ear and could not be more excited for the arrival of his son. It was so neat to see him moving around and being active. We are still planning on doing a 3-D sonogram a little later to get some better pictures of our little man.

I feel so blessed that he is healthy, when you see what I see everyday you tend to not take healthy babies for granted. We just want to thank God that our baby is healthy.

The first question everyone asks when they find out what you are having is if you have a name picked out, so just so you all know we have no ideas for a name yet and would love any suggestions that you may have.

Now it is time to start decorating the nursery and SHOPPING! I am so excited for all the things to come.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tucker is well

Tucker had his surgery yesterday and he did very well. He spent the night at the vets office and I picked him up today. He is very tired and seems to have little energy, which is not Tanner's favorite thing. He has to ware this cone thing on his head to keep him from scratching his ear until he gets his stitches out next week. I decided I should post a picture because lets be real he look ridiculous. It is so sad to see him try to lay down and get comfortable.

He will be on medication for the infection and for pain for a week and then hopefully he will be back to his normal self.

I am sooo excited for our sonogram on Friday, I will be sure to post that night so be sure to check out the blog!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

little kicks

For the last several weeks I have felt little kicks. It has felt like little bubbles moving inside my belly. It is starting to feel stronger and I am able to feel him/her more often. It is such a great feeling to know that there is a baby living and growing inside of me. I can not explain how great it feels to feel the baby kick.

In just a few days I should know if it is a little girl or boy kicking me and soon I am sure I will not find the kicking so cute!