Monday, November 23, 2009

1 month

I can not believe Landon is a month old already. He is such a joy and although he keeps me very busy it is so much fun. He is a very happy baby that loves to be held and talked to. He will look at me and listen to me talk for such a long time and I love it.

We had a good time at our concert on Thursday and Landon was very good for my mom. It was amazing how much I missed him and I can not imagine going back to work and being away from him for 13 hours :(

Then on Friday we went out to dinner with my family for my sister-in-laws birthday and then to my nieces soccer and basketball game. On Saturday Landon's best friend had her first birthday party! It was lots of fun to celebrate with Mackenzie! We then went shopping and out to dinner just the three of us. Landon was very good and we enjoyed ourselves a lot. Sunday Landon and I spent the day at my parents house for a shopping party and then Stephen came over after the party for dinner.

After a busy weekend we are laying low at home today. Another busy week and weekend to come. We are taking Landon to Branson this weekend for the first time. He will be spending many weekends there in the future so hopefully he loves it as much as we do.

On a different note, I wanted to share our proofs with you from Landon's newborn pictures so here is how you can view them.

Go to
click on enter full screen
in the right hand top corner click on client proofs
at the bottom right there is a place for a password and it is ashley_L
then click on the newborn gallery to view all the pictures.

We think there are several very cute ones so we hope you enjoy them.

Also here are a couple pictures I took last week.


  1. What a sweet face! So fun to read about your adventures as a new family. Happy First Thanksgiving, little Landon! :)

    Love, Lindsey

  2. He is adorable! It looks like you scared him in the first one! :o)

  3. Ashley, the pictures are amazing. I love them all. The head shot of him crying is so great. I bet you are so proud.
