Monday, November 16, 2009

A Day of Firsts!

Well on Sunday Landon had many firsts. We took him to church for the first time. Our pastor said a nice prayer for him and it was great to be back. Of course during the silent prayer was when Landon decided he needed to try to poop and let me tell you he is not a quiet pooper. But overall he was very good.

Stephen and I are going out on Thursday, we have tickets to a concert and so Landon will be spending the evening with my mom. We figure he will probably need a bottle so we wanted to try one before Thursday. So after church we decided to thaw some breast milk and give Landon his first bottle. He did very well, he drank the bottle and then he still nursed great the rest of the day. I was a little worried that after the bottle he would not want to nurse but it did not seem to make a difference.

After his bottle he was wide awake and so we decided to give him his first real bath. His cord fell off on Friday so we were able to put him in the water instead of just a sponge bath. He loved the warm water and did not cry at all. It was lots of fun.

Here are some pictures of the fun!

Tucker and Tanner thought they needed to be involved!


  1. I like the terrycloth man-kini he's got goin on in the last pic :)

  2. The last one surprised me. He has rolls now!
    He is growing so fast! And he couldn't be any cuter!!!
    We miss you guys so much!
    Grandad and Nana
