Thursday, November 12, 2009

3 Weeks

Well our little man is 3 weeks old today and it is hard to believe how fast time goes. I am sorry it has been so long since I have posted but life is very different with a newborn! I feel like I don't have time in my day to do anything except take care of Landon. I can't believe how busy he keeps me.

Since it has been so long since I have posted here is what has been going on, last weekend Stephen and I took Landon to the Plaza for the first time. It was really our first major outing with Landon. We left right after he ate, went to a few stores and then Stephen and I ate lunch at The Cheesecake Factory and Landon slept in his stroller. We returned home after that just in time for him to eat again. It was lots of fun to get out and enjoy some time as a family.

On Monday we had his newborn pictures taken and man was that an experience. He did not want to go to sleep and he hated being naked. We spent most of the time trying to calm him and get him to fall asleep. We did not have much luck and hopefully she was able to capture a few good pictures. It is so hard at this age to get good pictures of him. We should have the proofs in about a week so we shall see.

He is changing so much, he stays awake a lot more now and sometimes does not know what to do with himself. He started the last few days spitting up a lot more and getting more fussy after feeding, I think he has a little reflex going on. I hate to hear him cry but it is so hard when you can't do anything to make him stop. When he cries because he just wants to be held that is one thing, but when you are holding him, he has a clean diaper and a full belly and he is still screaming that is when it is really hard.

Taking care of a newborn full time is definitely hard and we have good days and bad days. I am still recovering and having some issues with pain from my c-section but things seem to get better everyday. Hopefully I will be fully recovered soon and that will make things a little easier.

Landon and I had a good day today, Stephen is home now and we are going to have a quite evening at home watching the WVU game. We are planning on going back to church on Sunday. Hopefully we can have a good night and get up and ready to be out the door by 8:50 but that is a lot to ask so we shall see.

Hope everyone is doing well. I don't have many new pictures but here are a few from this week.

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