Friday, September 18, 2009

35 weeks

I went to the Dr. yesterday and everything looks really good. Not much has changed, my cervix looks the same and Dr. Capeli is starting to think I might even make it to 39 weeks. He is thinking now that he will not induce until 39 weeks if I do not go before that but he says he will just see how things look these next few weeks. So my guess is we will have a baby in 3-4 weeks if everything goes as planned. We are so excited and glad that God is answering our prayers and keeping our little man safe.

We have our 3D ultrasound tomorrow and we just ask for your prayers that he looks healthy. It is hard to explain but when you work in a level 3 nursery with the sickest babies in the region it is hard to relax when you are pregnant. I think tomorrow will allow me to relax and really enjoy the last few weeks of my pregnancy. The Dr. thinks Landon is about 5 lbs 3 oz right now and if I make it to 39 weeks he thinks he will be around 7 lbs 7 oz, but we shall see.

I have my last baby shower on Wednesday of next week and then we will know what little things we still need to buy before his arrival. Stephen painted the shelves and is going to hang them this weekend and the nursery will be complete by next week. It will feel so great to cross that off my list and know that it is completely finished.

We hope all is well with everyone and we will post pictures of the ultrasound as soon as we can.


  1. Can't wait to see pics of Mr. Landon in 3D! :) Glad to hear all is well.

    Love, Lindsey

  2. Ashley, we are so excited for you! Aren't the last few weeks amazing? You're tired, excited, scared, ready, etc... It's such a wonderful time!!! We're so happy to see Mr. Landon is staying put until he's big enough. Good luck at the 3D ultrasound. We can't wait to see pictures!
