Monday, April 13, 2009

Strep Throat

I had yet another weekend of being in bed a lot and resting. Although this time it was due to a sore throat. I went to the Dr. on Saturday and he wanted to treat me for Strep because I was showing signs of strep and he didn’t want to take any chances with me being pregnant. So I started on some antibiotics and hopefully the road to recovery. Although today is the third day of antibiotics and I do not feel much better. My throat is still hurting and my medicine makes me nauseous so all in all I just keep hoping it will soon get better.

Although I was not feeling the best we still had a great weekend with family. We went to my parents’ house on Saturday and did an Easter egg hunt with the kids and my parents gave us our Easter basket. Then on Sunday we went to church and then to my Aunt Shery’s for dinner. Even though my throat hurt, my stomach was feeling good so I was excited I was able to eat some delicious food.

I go to the doctor again next week so we will be able to listen to the heartbeat with a Doppler and hopefully set our appointment for our next ultrasound.

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