Friday, April 10, 2009

Not much change

Well not much has changed. I still have good days and bad days. I think I might be turning a corner where I at least have more good days than bad days. I am still having problems gaining weight. I feel like my weight is shifting because my butt is getting smaller (which we all know I do not need) and my belly is getting bigger. Although I still weigh about 8 pounds less then I did at my first dr. appointment.
I am getting excited though that I am almost finished with the first trimester and maybe I will start to feel good and also maybe things will start to become more real. I am ready to start showing and to be able to think about doing the nursery and things like that. I am thinking in about 6 weeks hopefully we will know if it is a boy or girl we are awaiting and then we can start planning a little more.
I am excited for Easter this weekend and to spend time with my family, although the holidays’ make us miss Stephen's family even more. We hope everyone has a blessed Easter and enjoys it with family.

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