Thursday, April 30, 2009

New Blog!

Sorry it has been so long since I have written. As you can see I decided to change blogs. I found that more people follow blogspot and it is easier to use. I updated all the old posts from the old blog and from here on out will only update this one. I hope you find it easier to use and enjoy it.

I am doing well, not much has changed. I am feeling better which is great, but with every symptom gone a new one comes. My nausea has surpassed but now I have a sciatic nerve problem. I have a sharp pain in my left side with shooting pain down my leg. I had the pain a few weeks ago and then it went away, now the pain is back and it is so bad that I am having a very hard time sleeping.

Although I am not nauseated anymore, I still have difficulty finding things to eat. I know that it is important that I eat but it is so hard to find things that sound good.

But all in all, I am really doing well. I am starting to show a little bit, depending on what I am wearing and it feels good to know that I am now in the second trimester. Anyway thanks for staying updated and I hope you enjoy the new site.


I wanted to write a post about our dogs. Our dogs are our children right now and until our bundle of joy arrives in October they think they are the most important things in the world. Now if you are not a dog lover this may be hard for you to understand but our dogs are our world. They sleep with us, they follow us everywhere (even into the bathroom), they fly with us when we travel; but something tells me that when we have a new baby things might change a little. The big fear is, how will Tucker and Tanner handle that? Anyway I thought the two big brothers should at least be mentioned on the blog and have a pic or two. So here are Tucker and Tanner, our first two children!

Monday, April 20, 2009

What a beautiful heartbeat!

Well I had a great day. First I met a good friend for lunch. Lindsey was one of my nursing professors at Jewell and she has influenced my life in so many ways. She is the strongest most amazing women I known and I am so lucky to be able to call her a friend. We had a great lunch and visit. It was also a benefit that I was feeling well enough to be able to enjoy a good meal.
After lunch I went to my doctors’ appointment where I was able to hear the heartbeat. It was so surreal to hear this little heartbeat and know there is a life growing inside of me. Since I am still not showing much and things still seem unreal at times it was great to have that moment. Now that I am nearing the beginning of my second trimester and things look good thus far there is some relief lifted from our shoulders. Stephen and I could not be more excited to continue this journey and bring our new baby into this world. My next Doctors appointment is in 4 weeks and then soon after that I will have my sonogram to see if it is a boy of girl that we are falling in love with.
Today also marked the first day in the last several weeks that I was able to cook dinner. Stephen was pleasantly surprised that I made pork loin, green beans, rice and applesauce. I must say it was very nice to be able to start to do normal things without feeling sick. Well I will post a belly pic soon but I must say not much has changed.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Feeling pretty good

Now that my Strep throat is gone and my cold is near gone, I am feeling much better. I have been able to eat real meals the last few days and today I even had a salad for lunch. I am hoping it will continue to be better. I don’t have much else to report at the time. We have a laid back weekend of cleaning the house and hanging out. Stephen is now not feeling very well so I guess it is my turn to take care of him. I go to the Doctor on Monday and will be sure to write after that. I hope all is well with all of you.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Strep Throat

I had yet another weekend of being in bed a lot and resting. Although this time it was due to a sore throat. I went to the Dr. on Saturday and he wanted to treat me for Strep because I was showing signs of strep and he didn’t want to take any chances with me being pregnant. So I started on some antibiotics and hopefully the road to recovery. Although today is the third day of antibiotics and I do not feel much better. My throat is still hurting and my medicine makes me nauseous so all in all I just keep hoping it will soon get better.

Although I was not feeling the best we still had a great weekend with family. We went to my parents’ house on Saturday and did an Easter egg hunt with the kids and my parents gave us our Easter basket. Then on Sunday we went to church and then to my Aunt Shery’s for dinner. Even though my throat hurt, my stomach was feeling good so I was excited I was able to eat some delicious food.

I go to the doctor again next week so we will be able to listen to the heartbeat with a Doppler and hopefully set our appointment for our next ultrasound.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Not much change

Well not much has changed. I still have good days and bad days. I think I might be turning a corner where I at least have more good days than bad days. I am still having problems gaining weight. I feel like my weight is shifting because my butt is getting smaller (which we all know I do not need) and my belly is getting bigger. Although I still weigh about 8 pounds less then I did at my first dr. appointment.
I am getting excited though that I am almost finished with the first trimester and maybe I will start to feel good and also maybe things will start to become more real. I am ready to start showing and to be able to think about doing the nursery and things like that. I am thinking in about 6 weeks hopefully we will know if it is a boy or girl we are awaiting and then we can start planning a little more.
I am excited for Easter this weekend and to spend time with my family, although the holidays’ make us miss Stephen's family even more. We hope everyone has a blessed Easter and enjoys it with family.

Monday, April 6, 2009

No one warned me it would be this hard

Well I have had a rough few days. It is hard to admit to people when you are not doing so well. Everyone around you finds out your pregnant and is immediately excited and then you feel like you have to be excited. It is really difficult to know how to act when you don’t feel excited. I am sure it is just because i have not been feeling good or because my hormones are raging but it is harder then I expected.
I pretty much laid in bed all weekend and Stephen served me what little I ate in bed. He served me soup, rice, and cereal. I have not had such a good day today either as I have thrown up a few times. I think I am just so ready for this part to be over.
Although I don’t know what is worse feeling sick or having your hormones so crazy that you feel happy one minute and then depressed the next. I spend half of my time being so scared of becoming a parent and thinking we are not ready and why did we decide to do this, and the other half excited. I find myself in tears over nothing and I hate the way I never know how I will be feeling (both physically and emotionally).
So overall I am hanging in there but could really use some extra prayers. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Pickles and Pixie Sticks!

Well I am still feeling good. I usually have about a two hour period during the evening that I do not feel so good and sometimes am not in the mood for dinner. So yesterday I was not in the mood to eat and nothing sounded good until I opened the fridge and saw a jar of pickles. I then decided that pickles indeed sounded delightful. So I ate 2 pickles and then 2 more. About 5 minutes later I ate two more and then three more. When I was done I had eaten a whole jar of dill pickles. After about 30 minutes I decided I wanted more but I had eaten the whole jar. Stephen informed me that he was not required to go to the store for cravings until I had a big baby belly, since there is no belly yet I decided that bread and butter pickles would do. So, the story goes on to Stephen brining me a plate with two pickles on it before I decided to turn in for the night.

Well I was lying in bed and had just finished my plate of pickles when I turned and saw pixie sticks on my night stand. A friend at work told me that in the morning if you let a pixie stick dissolve on your tongue then it helps with nausea. So I decided that what a better late night snack then a few pixie sticks. So I am lying in bed with an empty plate and now a few pixies stick wrappers on it when Stephen walks in and says" are you putting pixie sticks on your pickles?”
Of course I was not, but what if I was...would that be so bad, maybe we should all try it?
I also wanted to take a minute and thank everyone that is reading this site and staying up with our pregnancy. I love to get on here and read all the nice things people write to me. I hope you all know how much I love to read what you have to say and appreciate you taking the time to both read the site and write me a quick note. We are so lucky to have so many great people in our lives. Thanks for everything!