Saturday, March 28, 2009

Things are looking up

Well I do not know if it is the fact that I will be 10 weeks tomorrow or if God just knew I was reaching my point but I feel so much better. I am able to eat, I am starting to gain weight, I am much happier and I think I might even love my husband again...just kidding, I never stopped loving him no matter what he says. I had a few really rough days and it makes me admire those women that have sickness there whole pregnancy. Feeling sick all the time really takes a toll on your body and your spirit. Now that I am feeling better I feel like a whole new women.
Now I do still have morning sickness and I still throw up in the AM when I brush my teeth; but compared to the beginning of the week I am doing so much BETTER! I can take a little nausea hear and there it is the all day sickness that is so hard to handle.
I pray that I am not asking for it again and that I will continue to feel good but as for now I am just thanking God for everyday that I feel like myself.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

sick sick sick

Today on my way to work I had my first experience with having to pull the car over twice to get sick. I guess I have reached the point where I will no longer drive with out a bag and some napkins near by. Although getting sick did make me feel slightly better for a few hours all I wanted to do was cry and turn around and go home. It is hard enough for me to come to work when I am so exhausted I can barley life my head, but to be throwing up on the way was no fun at all. I guess it comes with the territory but I sure hope that it only last for a few weeks. I look forward to feeling like better and being able to be excited about being pregnant instead of sick and tired. I don't think you ever think pregnancy is going to be this hard and that it is a rollercoaster of emotions. I just have to keep my head up and remind myself that it is all worth it,but right now I cant imagine wanting to do it again.
Okay so I don’t want to sound like all I do is complain so I want to end on a happier note. I want people to know that I am excited about this baby and the changes ahead for Stephen and I. I just can’t wait until we can celebrate a little more...maybe with food involved!

Also this is the first Belly picture, I will try to do one once a month so you can see how I grow. This is the belly at 9 weeks.

Thanks for listening!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Home again

Well I am back from SC and while it is great to be home and see Stephen and the dogs, I already miss my SC family. I had so much fun spending the week with my new nephew. He is sooo cute and so much fun. I am sure it is no surprise to anyone that I love babies, but there is just something amazing about seeing someone you love becoming a parent. My brother and sister-in-law are doing so good, they are great parents already. Seeing how happy they are with there new little life makes me so excited for our little bundle to be here. I know I am only 9 weeks and am not ready at all for him/her to be here but man is it exciting.

Today I am just getting caught up at home and awaiting my Dr's appointment this afternoon. I am so excited to see our baby’s first picture. I will be sure to write on here tonight when we get home and figure out how to upload the pictures.

As for how I am feeling, today I am doing pretty well. I still have a hard time eating, it just seems the thought of food can make my stomach hurt. We will see if the dr. says anything about me losing weight. I know I have lost about 5 pounds since my first appointment three weeks ago. It seems to be getting a little better though so hopefully soon I will be able to eat and feel good doing it.

I will write again later.

Well I am back from the doctor and I had my ultrasound! It went very well. Stephen and I went together and we were able to look at our little lima bean and see his/her heart beating 160/min. It was a great site to see. The Dr. said everything looks great. The baby is measuring right on target at 9 weeks and 2 days. He is leaving my due date at October 25th. He said the gestational sac looks great and there is no free fluid. It is a big relief that so far our baby is healthy. Here are the pictures from the ultrasound, it is kind of hard to see the but none the less...enjoy!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Feeling about the same

I am feeling about the same, it comes and goes. I will be sick and unable to eat one hour and hungry a few hours later. As of now I am just thankful for any time that I feel like myself. I know in the last two weeks since I have gone to the doctor I have lost 5 pounds so that is starting to concern me and I hope that I will be able to eat more soon. It has just been hard for me to eat when I am not feeling well.
I am so excited for our dr's appointment next Tuesday, I have been wanting to hear the heartbeat and just to hear him say everything looks good. It has been exciting to share the news with people but until I see that picture it still seems a little unreal.
I went over to my cousins house last weekend and

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Feeling a little sick

We had such a great weekend sharing the news with our friends and family. I have been feeling so well that it has been hard to grasp the fact that there is a baby inside of me, well until today that is. I was only able to sleep last night for about 3 hours and then I had to get up and come to work today. I am feeling a lot different today than I have been feeling. I think it is a combination of being exhausted and nauseous. This is really the first time I have felt sick so I guess I can not complain but it sure is hard to work a 12 hour shift when all you want to do is lay down and take a nap. It is hard for me to even get crackers down today. Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow after some rest but I guess this could be the beginning of some long weeks ahead.
I am so happy to say that my brother and sister-in

Sunday, March 8, 2009

telling everyone else

Toady we went to my parents house for dinner to celebrate my brothers birthday. After dinner Travis opend his gifts and our card was the last one he opened. The card was signed Jason, Jenny, Baby Batliner, Stephen, Ashley and Baby Lewis. After he opened his card my mom had to say "Travis, did you read the whole card?" So he read it again and said "Baby Lewis" , it took a minute for him to figure it out but everyone else was saying did he just say baby? After the news was out and everyone knew, the room filled with excitment. It was great to finally tell everyone, it was so hard to keep it a secret. It feels GREAT to share the news with everyone.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Telling Stephens parents

So today Stephens parents came in town for a week. We were very excited to spend some time with them but even more excited to tell them our big news. So his parents arrived around 1 and we gave them a gift we got them. His parents opened a picture frame that said "grandchildren are life's most precious gifts." Inside the frame it stated picture coming in October. His mom and dad could not be more excited. Of course they were very excited to share the news with others. Now that we have shared the news with both our parents and it is time tell the rest of the family! We could not be happier.

Monday, March 2, 2009

First Dr. appointment

Today I had my first Dr. appointment with Dr. Capeli. It went very well, of course there was lots of history and questions and then we just talked and he answered all my questions. He was very confident that he would be able to find an anesthesiologist that would be willing to work with me because of my back and provide me with an epidural. He stated that he knows more of the Dr. at St Joseph hospital so he would want me to deliver there instead of Menorah. Anyway so far so good. I am feeling good, I get tired easily and my body lets me know when I am doing too much already. After a long day I have a lot more cramps then normal but so far I am doing great. I will see Dr. Capeli again in three weeks for a ultrasound to hear the heartbeat and look at the little peanut. More to come!