Monday, November 23, 2009

1 month

I can not believe Landon is a month old already. He is such a joy and although he keeps me very busy it is so much fun. He is a very happy baby that loves to be held and talked to. He will look at me and listen to me talk for such a long time and I love it.

We had a good time at our concert on Thursday and Landon was very good for my mom. It was amazing how much I missed him and I can not imagine going back to work and being away from him for 13 hours :(

Then on Friday we went out to dinner with my family for my sister-in-laws birthday and then to my nieces soccer and basketball game. On Saturday Landon's best friend had her first birthday party! It was lots of fun to celebrate with Mackenzie! We then went shopping and out to dinner just the three of us. Landon was very good and we enjoyed ourselves a lot. Sunday Landon and I spent the day at my parents house for a shopping party and then Stephen came over after the party for dinner.

After a busy weekend we are laying low at home today. Another busy week and weekend to come. We are taking Landon to Branson this weekend for the first time. He will be spending many weekends there in the future so hopefully he loves it as much as we do.

On a different note, I wanted to share our proofs with you from Landon's newborn pictures so here is how you can view them.

Go to
click on enter full screen
in the right hand top corner click on client proofs
at the bottom right there is a place for a password and it is ashley_L
then click on the newborn gallery to view all the pictures.

We think there are several very cute ones so we hope you enjoy them.

Also here are a couple pictures I took last week.

Monday, November 16, 2009

A Day of Firsts!

Well on Sunday Landon had many firsts. We took him to church for the first time. Our pastor said a nice prayer for him and it was great to be back. Of course during the silent prayer was when Landon decided he needed to try to poop and let me tell you he is not a quiet pooper. But overall he was very good.

Stephen and I are going out on Thursday, we have tickets to a concert and so Landon will be spending the evening with my mom. We figure he will probably need a bottle so we wanted to try one before Thursday. So after church we decided to thaw some breast milk and give Landon his first bottle. He did very well, he drank the bottle and then he still nursed great the rest of the day. I was a little worried that after the bottle he would not want to nurse but it did not seem to make a difference.

After his bottle he was wide awake and so we decided to give him his first real bath. His cord fell off on Friday so we were able to put him in the water instead of just a sponge bath. He loved the warm water and did not cry at all. It was lots of fun.

Here are some pictures of the fun!

Tucker and Tanner thought they needed to be involved!

I want to be an Astronaut!

I thought this outfit was very cute and I had to take a few pictures. I don't think Landon was a fan of the idea and he seemed much happier once I turned off the flash. Anyway I thought the pictures were very funny and I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

3 Weeks

Well our little man is 3 weeks old today and it is hard to believe how fast time goes. I am sorry it has been so long since I have posted but life is very different with a newborn! I feel like I don't have time in my day to do anything except take care of Landon. I can't believe how busy he keeps me.

Since it has been so long since I have posted here is what has been going on, last weekend Stephen and I took Landon to the Plaza for the first time. It was really our first major outing with Landon. We left right after he ate, went to a few stores and then Stephen and I ate lunch at The Cheesecake Factory and Landon slept in his stroller. We returned home after that just in time for him to eat again. It was lots of fun to get out and enjoy some time as a family.

On Monday we had his newborn pictures taken and man was that an experience. He did not want to go to sleep and he hated being naked. We spent most of the time trying to calm him and get him to fall asleep. We did not have much luck and hopefully she was able to capture a few good pictures. It is so hard at this age to get good pictures of him. We should have the proofs in about a week so we shall see.

He is changing so much, he stays awake a lot more now and sometimes does not know what to do with himself. He started the last few days spitting up a lot more and getting more fussy after feeding, I think he has a little reflex going on. I hate to hear him cry but it is so hard when you can't do anything to make him stop. When he cries because he just wants to be held that is one thing, but when you are holding him, he has a clean diaper and a full belly and he is still screaming that is when it is really hard.

Taking care of a newborn full time is definitely hard and we have good days and bad days. I am still recovering and having some issues with pain from my c-section but things seem to get better everyday. Hopefully I will be fully recovered soon and that will make things a little easier.

Landon and I had a good day today, Stephen is home now and we are going to have a quite evening at home watching the WVU game. We are planning on going back to church on Sunday. Hopefully we can have a good night and get up and ready to be out the door by 8:50 but that is a lot to ask so we shall see.

Hope everyone is doing well. I don't have many new pictures but here are a few from this week.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Little Man

Well the cloth diapers are going good. They came completely clean in the washer and Landon seems to like them. With the disposable diapers we had issues with the little gel beads coming out and getting all over Landon, and this obviously doesn't happen happen with cloth diapers. I also love that the cloth diapers seem to hold more urine and they are so soft against his skin.

Tonight I decided to try two different brands of cloth diapers that I bought the other day and Landon leaked out of both. So I guess it is trial and error. I will try them again but it looks like I will stick with the brand I had originally bought.

Landon is already changing and getting bigger. Today his outfit had a collar on it and it made him look like such a little man. Stephen and I are having so much fun with him and can't believe how it feels to be parents. Landon still has his awake time from like nine to midnight and gets more fuzzy at night but all in all he really is a good baby.

Here are a few pictures from this afternoon, look how big he looks in the first one!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Cloth Diapers

Today I entered a new world...the world of cloth diapering. I never thought I would be one to use cloth diapers, but when it comes to the best thing for Landon I would probably do anything. I will keep you updated on how it goes but so far I like the cloth diapers way better. I am nervous about washing them and being able to get all the stains out but we shall see. I am doing the first load of diapers tonight so wish me luck!

Here is a picture of him sporting his cute cloth diaper and then some other pictures from the last few days.

These pictures make it seem like he always has his pacifier in his mouth, when actually he doesn't even like it that much. Yesterday we put his rain forest crib toy in his bassinet and this last picture shows his amazement with the new toy. He loves it!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

First Walk

Today Stephen and I took Landon for his first walk. He loves his car seat so far and did great in his stroller too. It is such a beautiful day that we thought we better take advantage of it. Landon did great, he was awake for some of it but asleep by the time we made it back to the house. Here he is ready for his walk.

Happy Halloween

Landon had a good first Halloween. We went to my brothers house last night to see all my nieces and nephew in their costumes. Landon was dressed as a monkey and he was so cute. It was so much fun to dress him up and he didn't seem to mind at all. Here are a few pictures of his first Halloween!

The pumpkin is as big as him

Landon is his ghost outfit

Daddy, Mommy and Landon

Landon in his monkey costume

All the kids in their costumes

Uncle Travis "Mario" and Natalie "Luigi" with Landon