Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Last Shower!

I had my last baby shower last week. I have been meaning to post pictures but have been so busy. Three of my great friends at work held the shower and it was so much fun. My mom came with me and was able to meet my work friends, Iliana and her mom. Iliana is a former patient that I took care of in the NICU for several moths and love very much. It was great for my mom to finally meet her and the people that I work with. I got lots of great gifts that I still needed and am now completely set for Landon's arrival.

Here are some of the great gifts I received: sheets, changing pad, changing pad covers, burp clothes, clothes, mattress pad, car seat mirror, baby bather, towels, toys and so much more.

It was such a great shower and I want to thank all of my friends for coming and a special thanks to Rachael, Beth and Carrie for hosting the shower.

Here are a few pictures of the festivities.

Beth, Rachael, Me and Carrie

opening gifts

Iliana and Monica

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

weekly appointment

I had my weekly doctor appointment yesterday and everything looks good. Landon is measuring good, his little heart was beating 138-141 times per minute, I have gained 21 pounds so far, not having too bad of swelling yet, my blood pressure is good, I am still able to work full time, and our little boy appears to be completely healthy! What more can we ask for?

I will go again next Thursday but no change is a good thing.

Today is my last baby shower, my friends at work are having it for me and I am super excited. I will post some pictures after and I will also try to put a new belly pic on here soon. Hope all is well with everyone!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

3D sonogram

We had our 3D sonogram today and it was great. It was so neat to see Landon moving around and see his cute little face. It made us really excited for him to be here and to be able to hold him in our arms. We got the whole thing on DVD and over 40 pictures. We got to see everything: his face, spine, heart, kidneys, liver, hands, feet, and so much more! I just cant believe how much you can see. It has always seemed real but to see that little person moving inside of me was so sereal.

Anyway no changes to report, I will be going to the Dr. again on Tuesday, this once a week thing comes so often. Anyway here are a few pics of our little man, hope you enjoy!

Landon's sweet little face!

HE is definitely a boy

I love the feet

rubbing his eye

Friday, September 18, 2009

35 weeks

I went to the Dr. yesterday and everything looks really good. Not much has changed, my cervix looks the same and Dr. Capeli is starting to think I might even make it to 39 weeks. He is thinking now that he will not induce until 39 weeks if I do not go before that but he says he will just see how things look these next few weeks. So my guess is we will have a baby in 3-4 weeks if everything goes as planned. We are so excited and glad that God is answering our prayers and keeping our little man safe.

We have our 3D ultrasound tomorrow and we just ask for your prayers that he looks healthy. It is hard to explain but when you work in a level 3 nursery with the sickest babies in the region it is hard to relax when you are pregnant. I think tomorrow will allow me to relax and really enjoy the last few weeks of my pregnancy. The Dr. thinks Landon is about 5 lbs 3 oz right now and if I make it to 39 weeks he thinks he will be around 7 lbs 7 oz, but we shall see.

I have my last baby shower on Wednesday of next week and then we will know what little things we still need to buy before his arrival. Stephen painted the shelves and is going to hang them this weekend and the nursery will be complete by next week. It will feel so great to cross that off my list and know that it is completely finished.

We hope all is well with everyone and we will post pictures of the ultrasound as soon as we can.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Last Summer Trip

Stephen and I spent the weekend and the lake with my family. It was great to get away one last time before Landon is born. I think from here on out we will stay close to home, or at least close to the hospital!

My family came in town from St. Louis so it was great to relax with them. We went out on the boat Saturday and Sunday and we ate dinner at home both nights. At night we played games, made smores, had homemade ice cream, and just relaxed with each other.

I had been feeling sick from my antibiotic but now that I am off that I am doing much better. Not much else has changed, I don't go to the doctor again until next Thursday. We did go ahead and decided to do a 3D sonogram so that we can take a look at the little man moving around. He is so active that we just want to see what he is up to in there...and my brother swears we need to make sure it really is a boy. We are doing it Saturday September 19th, so I will be sure to post pictures.

Hope all is well with everyone, we will keep you updated if anything changes!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Test Results

The Doctor called today and our Fetal Fibronectin was negative again. This is great news and hopefully means I will at least make it two more weeks which will put me close to 35 weeks. I am feeling pretty good and just still praying I can make it to 37 weeks.

I have a busy day ahead of me of packing and cleaning and getting ready for the lake. Hope everyone has a great Labor Day!

Also I changed some things around in my settings to try to make it easier to post a comment. If it is still difficult let me know. Thanks!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Belly Proofs

We got out proofs back today from our belly pictures. If you want to take a look at them here is how you do it.

Go to
click on enter full screen
on the right side click on client proofs
at the bottom you have to enter the password: Ashley

There are lots of pictures, both in black and white and in color. We hope you enjoy.

Nursery Update

Well we are still making little changes in the nursery. We found a shelf for the corner to put some little things on and I really like how it turned out. Also we finally have a theme in the nursery. We bought a car and truck rug, mobile and a pillow for the chair. The colors go great with our bedding and we think it turned out really cute. Here are some updated pictures.

Stephen has a few shelves to paint and get hung and then we will be FINISHED!

We have a few more necessities we still need for Landon but will get those soon.

Hope you enjoy the pictures of our little mans room.

Landon's mobile

Look at the cute car pillow

His car rug

The new shelf with his toys and cute things!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

2 Years

Today is Stephen and my two year Anniversary. We feel so blessed to be so happy and to have each other. Tonight we went to dinner on the plaza and enjoyed one of our last nights out before Landon is born. We had a great time just the two of us but are looking forward to the three of us.

I also went to the Doctor today and he decided to do another fetal fibronectin since I am still having a lot of contractions. I will not know the results until early next week but hopefully it will be negative and we can keep Landon put for a few more weeks.

When he checked me he said I am starting to dilate (only to about 1) and I am 70% effaced. He thinks hopefully nothing will happen for a few weeks but he guesses I will not make it past 36 or 37 weeks. My goal is to get to 37 weeks, but we will see how Landon feels about that. I also found out that I have a bladder infection and so I am on antibiotics for that. Landon is measuring good and probably weighs around 4 or 4.5 pounds.

I will go back to the Doctor in two weeks and then after that probably weekly. It is crazy how close this is getting. I cant believe that we could have a baby here in our arms in 3-4 weeks. I have several things I would like to get done before he is born and hopefully I can get lots accomplished in the next few weeks.

Anyway that's the update for now and I will keep you all posted.

Stephen and I are heading to the lake this weekend with my entire family, it should be fun filled and hopefully a little relaxing.