Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A few Updates

It has been so long since I have updated this. I have been pretty busy. First of all the weekend after mother's day we went to the lake with my parents and my mom and I did some shopping and Stephen and my dad did some was perfect.

Then last Thursday my best friend from college came in town to spend memorial day with me. Also Stephen had a good friend come in town for the weekend, so we were pretty busy. Sam and I did some more shopping, it is amazing how much damage can be done when you go shopping with your best friend instead of your husband. Stephen and Cody did some fishing and also a lot of helping get ready for the Luau.

Every year for memorial day my family has a big Luau and by big I mean there were between 500 and 600 people there. There was a DJ and lots of good food and drinks and most of all lots of good company. It was so much fun, and I cant wait until next year when we have a little one there with us.

Also on Friday I had another Dr's appointment and was able to hear the heartbeat again. This time the heartbeat was fluctuating between 153 and 157 beat per minute. So everything looks good. He let me go ahead and schedule my sonogram early so that we can hopefully find out if it is a boy or girl before we go to WV to visit Stephens parents.

On a different note we found out on Friday also that our dog Tucker needs to have surgery on his ear. He is having a growth/tumor removed from his ear. He has been having a lot of ear infections and they think the bacteria is trapped in the ear because of this growth.

So we would like to ask you to keep our family in your prayers. We pray that Tuckers surgery goes well on June 2nd and we pray that everything is okay with our little one on June 5th at the sonogram. When you work where I do you see a lot of things that can make a pregnancy pretty scary and I know I will feel much better when I see the sonogram and know everything is okay. I will try to post a new belly picture soon, it sure is growing.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

I want to wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day. I also want to thank all the women in my life that have taught me the things I will need to know to be a good mother. I feel very blessed that I have such a good mother and hope that I will be able to take after her with my own children.

I know my baby is not here yet and really next year will be my first Mother's Day but this year Mother's Day feels different. I am really starting to enjoy being pregnant and thinking about our lives next year and in the years to come.

So anyway I hope everyone has a great Mother's Day. We all deserve it!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Maternity Clothes

Today was a big milestone for me, I finally broke down and went shopping for maternity clothes. For some reason I was really dreading buying maternity clothes, but it was fun. I found a lot of cute things and was happy with the way things fit. Plus these clothes are much more comfortable then the ones I was telling myself still fit.

I also went and looked at the baby furniture one more time. After that we had dinner with our friends Michael and Andrea and I showed them the furniture and I think we made a decision. So that means we will order our furniture on Monday or Tuesday and should have it in about 2 months.

I told Stephen we had to have the nursery painted at least by the time the furniture comes. We shall see, we still are not exactly sure what we want to do. I will post pictures of the nursery along the way.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Baby Furniture

Today my mom and I went shopping for baby furniture. We went to two stores and narrowed it down to two different sets. It was so much fun but also a little overwhelming. Of course when we were out shopping we did not only look at baby furniture and there is so much stuff on the market, it is enough to overwhelm anyone. I came home and showed Stephen the two I like and he said "I don't care, they both look good." It is great that he pretty much lets me pick out whatever I want but sometimes you just need an opinion. Anyway it was lots of fun to start shopping for things.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Feeling Good!

I have been doing really good. I am feeling good, able to eat, and my back is feeling better. It is hard to believe that I am almost 16 weeks. We are so excited and ready to find out if we are having a boy or girl, although it will still be another month before we know.

My mom and I are going to start looking at baby furniture tomorrow. I know it can take up to 6 months if you have to special order furniture and so we decided we better start looking. It should be fun to start thinking about the baby room. Now that the room is empty, Stephen says he is going to start working on paint and such. As soon as we start I will post pictures of the progress.

That is all I have for now but I will let you know how the furniture shopping goes.

Hope all is well with everyone!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

New Belly Pic: 15 weeks

okay so I said I would try to post a belly pic soon. I told myself that last week not much had changed and then I think I woke up one day and noticed that I had a belly. So sometimes it is easy to hide and others it is pretty obvious we are having a baby.

So Here is the new picture and also the picture from 6 weeks ago, I thought it would be easier if you could compare the two. So here is to the beginning of the inevitable belly!

9 weeks

15 weeks

March for Babies

Stephen and I had a great weekend! Saturday we were able to go to Ellie (our niece) and Tyler (our nephew's) soccer games and it was so much fun to see them having fun. They are only 4 years old and at that age it is so fun to watch them play sports. Then we went to Mallory's (our niece) first communion and to her party afterward.

Today was the annual March for Babies walk in downtown KC. It is always so much fun to see all the families that come and participate. There were thousands of people there that have been affected by prematurity. I was able to see several children that I took care of in the last two years at Mercy. It is so neat to see children thriving that were so small and so sick at one time. I also had the oppertunity to see and talk to a family that hold a special place in my heart. A little over a year ago I took care of twin boys that were very early and very small. These little boys were so sick that their parents made a tough decision to let them go to heaven instead of suffering any longer. I was working that night and was able to help them peacfully say goodbye. Today it was so nice to see them there walking and remembering their two sons. They were very greatful for what I do and it and it made me realize how important my job is and how happy I am that I am able to help families like this everydayt.

Stephen and I brought Tucker and Tanner to the walk with us and they had so much fun seeing all the people. It is exciting for both of us to know that next year when we walk we will have our baby here with us. Mom, we decided that next year you will have to come too. We can handle the dogs but the dogs and a baby might be questonable.

I am feeling good and getting bigger, it gets more real everyday. Hope all is well with everyone and will write again soon.