Thursday, January 7, 2010

Our first Trip to WV

We had a good New Years Eve at my parent’s house with friends and family. We enjoyed a great dinner and rang in the New Year as Landon slept through the chaos. We left quickly after midnight to go home and get a few hours of sleep for our early flight to WV. Below is a picture of Landon on New Years Eve.

So with the New Year here we headed to WV to visit family. Landon did very good on the flights and we were excited to see everyone when we arrived. We spent tons of time with family and had a great time. Here are some pictures of our trip.

Landons first plane ride

Great Aunt Donna

Cousin Christa

Landons cousins

Uncle Benji

Great Uncle Andy

Great Uncle Frankie

Cousin Kyleigh

Great Granny

Great Aunt Lori

Great Aunt Pam

Great MawMaw

Great Papa


After a long nap

Nana and Grandad


1 comment:

  1. Ashley - He is getting so expressive. It looks like he's having so much fun!
