Tuesday, December 29, 2009

First Christmas

Well Christmas has come and gone and it was sooo much fun. Even though Landon is still too little to know what is going on or truly enjoy Christmas it was very different for Stephen and I. It was fun to buy him presents and open them for him on Christmas. He smiled at some of his new things and I know will love to play with them soon.

We went to church and my Grandpa Batliners on Christmas Eve and had a great dinner and enjoyed time with family. Landon got his first basketball hoop and I am sure Stephen will love teaching him how to play in a few months. Here are some pictures of Christmas eve.

Ready to go to church

What a cute Family!

All 7 grandchildren

Mallory and Landon

Then on Christmas we woke up and opened presents at our house before going to my parents. It was lots of fun and I am excited for the years to come and watching him open his own presents. Here are some pictures of his Christmas morning!

"I'm ready for presents mom!"

"This is so much fun"

Time for a nap!

Then we went to my parents house for dinner and gifts with them. Everyone was there and it was lots of fun. Landon got so many new toys, books, his very own suitcase, a bath robe and bath toys and much more! He is a very loved little boy.

Daddy and Landon

Family Picture

Then on Sunday we went back to my parents house to see my cosine Michael who is in for Boston. We ate dinner and played games and it was lots of fun.

He looks like such a little man here

Alexis and Landon

Elizabeth loves her baby cousin

We are looking forward to another party on New Years Eve and then on Friday we leave for West Virginia to see Stephens family. I am a little nervous about flying and traveling with a little one but I am sure everything will be fine. We are excited to see our family and introduce Landon to lots of new people that love him.

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