Monday, August 16, 2010

Watch me Grow

I just wanted to post a few more pictures from our fun summer.  We have been so busy enjoying the lake, pool, spending time with family and friends and so much more.  Landon has grown so much and does new tings everyday.  He is eating real food, can feed himself, crawls all over the place, still loves people and faces, smiles and laughs all the time and is overall such a happy boy.  I can not express how much I love everything about him.  I hope you enjoy the pictures below and can see how much he is growing and changing.

Also Landon had his 9 month appointment and is growing great.  At 9 months he was 28 3/4 inches (55-65%) and weighed in at 19 Lbs 7 Oz (30-35%).  He is still nursing 4 times a day and eating food three times a day.  He goes to bed around 8-8:30 and sleeps trough until 8 or 8:30 in the morning and still takes two 2 hour naps.  I could not ask for a happier baby that sleeps and eats great.  We are so lucky!

Landon realized he could roll over in his sleep.  He loves his belly!

Landon loves taking a bath and now it has become more about playing than anything else.

He gets a little messy when daddy feeds him!
Just relaxing in the lake!
Taking a little rest in the pool
Such a little ham
Where's Landon

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