Monday, August 16, 2010

Landon's First Haircut

In July I took Landon to get his first haircut.  We went to Sugar and Spice kids' salon in Overland Park Kansas and it was so neat.  Landon was able to sit in a car and watch Dora while he got his haircut.  He loved his stylist and actually sat very still for her.  It is obviously a very kid friendly place and it was perfect for his first haircut. With his new haircut he really does look like a little boy instead of a baby.  Here are before...during...and after pictures. 

sitting in his car getting ready for a trim

Look at my car

What is this lady doing to me?

I guess it's not so bad

How do I look?

I got a STICKER!

Watch me Grow

I just wanted to post a few more pictures from our fun summer.  We have been so busy enjoying the lake, pool, spending time with family and friends and so much more.  Landon has grown so much and does new tings everyday.  He is eating real food, can feed himself, crawls all over the place, still loves people and faces, smiles and laughs all the time and is overall such a happy boy.  I can not express how much I love everything about him.  I hope you enjoy the pictures below and can see how much he is growing and changing.

Also Landon had his 9 month appointment and is growing great.  At 9 months he was 28 3/4 inches (55-65%) and weighed in at 19 Lbs 7 Oz (30-35%).  He is still nursing 4 times a day and eating food three times a day.  He goes to bed around 8-8:30 and sleeps trough until 8 or 8:30 in the morning and still takes two 2 hour naps.  I could not ask for a happier baby that sleeps and eats great.  We are so lucky!

Landon realized he could roll over in his sleep.  He loves his belly!

Landon loves taking a bath and now it has become more about playing than anything else.

He gets a little messy when daddy feeds him!
Just relaxing in the lake!
Taking a little rest in the pool
Such a little ham
Where's Landon

4th of July

For the 4th of July we headed back to the lake for more summer fun. We spent both Saturday and Sunday on the boat and we watched fireworks from the deck and even had time to do a little shopping on Monday. Landon's highlight of the weekend might have been when we were trying to take his picture with the flag cake I made and he stuck his hand in it and decided he LOVED cake. I have a few pictures of the weekend below.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Where does the time go?

I am amazed by other people every day. How do they get so much done? I feel like I am constantly busy yet I do not have time for so many things. It has been over 2 months since my last post and while I would love to say that I will do better, I am sure it will be weeks before I find the time to post again. I hope this is not the case and that I can find time to do more things but all I want to do it enjoy all my time with Landon. He is so much fun and I am amazed every day that I watch him learn new things and grow. This summer has been filled with going to the lake, swilling in the pool, walks, playing outside, ice cream, and so much more.

So I guess I will start where I left of and try to catch everyone up on our summer activities.

After Landon and I returned from Virginia we spent a little time at home before heading to the lake for Father's Day. We spent Saturday on the boat with my family and Landon loved swimming in the lake and playing in his baby pool. He as such a trouper on the boat and even took a nap in his raft. I don’t think you can find a more laid back little boy. Saturday night we had a great Father's Day dinner and made smores around the camp fire. Stephen got to go fishing in the early hours of Father's Day and then spend the afternoon with Landon and me. It could not have been a better weekend or first Father's Day for Stephen. I feel so lucky to have such an amazing husband that truly loves Landon more than anything. He is such a great dad and I love watching him play and spend time with his boy. Here are a few pictures from the weekend.