Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It is time for food

I knew Landon was ready for food because he is always interested in everything we have.  He always wants our food and drinks so I decided about a week before his 6 month birthday it was time for some baby cereal.

Around the same time Landon started to have very dry skin and rashes that would appear now and again. We did not know exactly what was causing the rashes so we stopped the cereal to see if they would clear up. The rash did kind of clear up and then when we started cereal again the rash seemed worse. We stopped again to give Landon's skin a chance to clear up for my brother’s wedding. Then the day after the wedding we started oatmeal. Landon began to spit up a lot more than normal with the oatmeal so I switched back to rice cereal . His rash still will appear now and again but we are just going to continue to feed him and see what happens. I hope he is not going to be a very sensitive little guy.  We will just keep trying new tings and hopefully he will get used to all sorts of food.

Anyway, today was the third day back on cereal/oatmeal so we decided to branch out and try our first vegetable.

I have always wanted to make homemade baby food because baby food in jars grosses me out for some reason. So this morning I steamed some organic carrots, purred them in the food processor and made my own baby food! I was so proud of myself so I decided to see what Landon thought about them. With each bite he would make a horrible face, hold his breath and turn bright red...but I kept going and after about 5-7 bites he began to swallow and I think actually enjoy them. I plan to do carrots for three days or so before moving on to our next veggie...squash or peas?   All the new adventures with a baby are so much fun, who ever thought it would be so much fun to feed your baby food!

I took a video and I will soon try to figure out how to put videos on the blog so you can see him enjoying his carrots.

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