Thursday, May 6, 2010

Deanna Rose Farm

My brother, sister-in-law and nephew were in town the week before Travis' wedding and in the midst of all the chaos we were able to spend some fun time together. The five of us, my mom and my niece Elizabeth went to Deanna Rose Farm in Overland Park. Landon was very good and even feel asleep for 45 min to an our at the end. My Nephew Charlie is almost 14 months old and he loved it. He loved to be able to run around, feed the goats, go in the tee-pee and most of all sit on the fence. We had a great time and I wish we were able to spend more time with Jason, Jenny and Charlie so our boys could grow up together and be best friends. Here are a few pictures from the day.

Landon watching the cows, he was much more interested in his hand

Charlie Liked the Chickens

And the cow

Landon loving life in his stroller

Charlie feeding the goats

Charlie and Jason in the tee-pee

Charlie sitting on the fence

Charlie and Elizabeth on the saddle

1 comment:

  1. So good to get caught up! Landon is getting so big, and look at you...making your own baby food. :) What a great Mommy you are!
