Tuesday, March 9, 2010

4 month update

Well I have been very bad at this whole blog thing.  It is just so hard to find the time with working full time, keeping up with the house, the dogs and of course Landon.  He is so much fun but it is so hard to find time for all the other things in life.  On my days off all I want to do is play with him and hold him and I never get anything done. Oh well, I guess they are only little once.  So for now the house will be a little messy, the laundry not put away and dinner not always made...but it is all worth it. 

We went to the doctor a few weeks back for his four month check-up and he was in the 50th percentile for both height and weight.  He is 15 pounds and growing so fast. Hope you enjoy the pictures and I also hope to get better about updating more often.

He likes his Bumbo chair

                                                                   Crazy Eyes

Below are a few that my friend Christina took when we went over to her house for a playdate.  He was very happy and she got some very cute ones of him.


  1. Ashley - In so many shots he reminds me of the picture of you in the study in the "punkin" frame. He definitely has your eyes. He is gorgeous!

  2. Adorable...I love that last one!!!

  3. Oh, these pics of him in his little hoodie are PRICELESS. Thanks so much for sharing. :) I think of you often!

  4. He is sooooooo cute. It seems like forever since we have talked. I need to give you a call soon. Love ya!

  5. So adorable!!! I love all of these pics!! See you next week back at work!
