Wednesday, February 17, 2010


We got our proofs back today from Landon's three month pictures. If you want to check them out here is how to do it:

Go to
click on enter full screen
click on client proofs (top right)
at the bottom there is a place to enter a password it is: ashley_L
click on the 3 month picture and they should come up

Hope you enjoy them, there are several cute ones, he is getting big so fast.

Sorry it has been awhile again since I have posted but our computer is not working so hopefully we are going to be buying new one Friday or Saturday. I will post new pictures as soon as we get our new computer up and running and I have pictures on it. Landon is getting very big and starting to do more. He tries to sit up and can roll from tummy to back and is trying to roll from his back to his side. We are having so much fun enjoying everyday with him. He is doing great at night, although he does not sleep through the night he only wakes up once usually and he does not eat. He just wants us to give him his binky and pat him and he will usually go back to sleep rather quickly. Stephen has been the main one to get up and do this since I have been getting up for months. I have to admit it is very nice to not be the one he has to have in the middle of the night. Stephen has been such a great help and it is so neat to see him bond and play with Landon. He loves to talk to him and get him to smile and laugh at him. I don't think there is anything better than watching your spouse be an amazing parent.

Anyway I will try to get some new pictures on as soon as I can.

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