Friday, January 29, 2010

January Pictures...look how he has grown!

He is getting so big and he is so much fun. He loves to play, talk, and watch TV. He is starting to like tummy time and to sit in his bumbo seat. He is almost always happy when he is awake and most of the time he takes pretty good naps.

We have his professional three month pictures tomorrow so hopefully he is good and we get some cute pictures of our precious boy!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Pictures to come!

Well again it has been awhile since I have posted. It is so hard to find the time with working full time and taking care of Landon. I went back to work last week and it has been tough. The days are so long and I am so tired when I get home that all I want to do it go to sleep. Landon has had a few bumps in the road adjusting but overall is doing pretty good. He has given me a few nights with little rest and when you have to get up at 5 and go to work for 13 hours it is very HARD. He also had a few nights where he did not want to nurse or some where he thought he needed to nurse every hour or so. I think he is still getting used to me being gone all day but I know he loves to go to his BaBa's house.

Stephen and I have talked a lot about me going part time and I am really hoping that I will be able to. I would still work long days but only two a week instead of three.

It is so much harder than I thought to be gone from him all day and I know the first year will go by so fast that I just want to be with him as much as possible.

He is getting so big so fast, in the last few weeks he has really found his hands and he loves to grab his blanket or toys and pull them to his mouth. He is holding his head up better and talking all the time. He is such a happy baby that smiles constantly. We are so blessed to have such a healthy happy son and I thank God for him every day.

Going back to work has also made me count my blessings, we just have so many sick kids right now and my heart aches for those parents. I can not imagine if I had to leave Landon in a hospital all by himslef.

Anyway I will try to post pictures soon so you can all see how he is growing and changeing.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

So Lucky

How did I get so lucky? It is so fun to spend everyday with Landon and to see him grow and change. He is so much fun, he smiles all the time and he loves to try to talk. After he eats is when he is the happiest and we just sit and talk and smile at each other...what could be better? I could not ask for a better baby. Landon slept through the night the last two out of three nights. It is amazing to get 7-8 hours of sleep and I am sure waking up in the night will soon be something in the past.

It is hitting me pretty hard that I go back to work on Monday. I can't believe it has already been 3 months and I am going to have to leave my baby boy for 14 long hours three times every week. I know I am very lucky to have my mom caring for him and it is such a relief that I do not have to worry about his care, but it is still so so hard. I am hoping that maybe soon I will be able to cut my hours back a little to spend more days at home with Landon. As for now I will just have to go to work and cherish my days off at home.

We started doing Landons baths in the big tub and he loves it. He has always loved his bath but for him the more water the better. He hates getting out of the bath and really despises lotion. Nanie got him a new towel for Christmas and it makes all the difference. It is a lot bigger and it keeps him warm while drying off, now even getting out is a joy.

Anyway here are a few pictures of my sweet baby.

he still freaks out a little bit with the camera flash..hence the big eyes.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Our first Trip to WV

We had a good New Years Eve at my parent’s house with friends and family. We enjoyed a great dinner and rang in the New Year as Landon slept through the chaos. We left quickly after midnight to go home and get a few hours of sleep for our early flight to WV. Below is a picture of Landon on New Years Eve.

So with the New Year here we headed to WV to visit family. Landon did very good on the flights and we were excited to see everyone when we arrived. We spent tons of time with family and had a great time. Here are some pictures of our trip.

Landons first plane ride

Great Aunt Donna

Cousin Christa

Landons cousins

Uncle Benji

Great Uncle Andy

Great Uncle Frankie

Cousin Kyleigh

Great Granny

Great Aunt Lori

Great Aunt Pam

Great MawMaw

Great Papa


After a long nap

Nana and Grandad
