Thursday, July 30, 2009

South Carolina

We are back from our vacation to SC and we had so much fun. IT was so great to spend time with family and relax on the beach. Stephen and I spend two days in Myrtle Beach by ourselves. Myrtle Beach is where we met and we have so many great memories there. We ate at all our favorite restaurants and had our late night walk on the beach, we even visited our college to see what had changed.

After two days in Myrtle we drove to Charleston to see my brother, sister in law and nephew Charlie. We spent one night at there house before my entire family flew in the next day. Once everyone was there we checked into our beautiful rental house. It was so nice and very close to the beach. We spent our days at the beach and our evening eating at fabulous restaurants and enjoying quality time with each other. We also had an exciting morning on Sunday when My brother, Travis, proposed to his girlfriend. Travis and Natalie have been together for 6 years and we have all been waiting for their engagement. Stephen and I had a rough flight home with weather and such but made it safely and it is now back to reality.

Thanks Mom and Dad for a great trip!

Here are a few pics of the trip.

Jason, Jenny and Charlie

Stphen and I before Dinner on Sunday

Elizabeth enjoying a boat ride

The Beautiful Sunset

Stephen and I our last night

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Quick Update

It seems like it is something new everyday with this pregnancy. The last few days I have been really tired and had a very hard time sleeping. I hope that I do not have difficulty sleeping the rest of the pregnancy but as for the last few days a couple hours seems to be all I can get. The other thing that has changed is my ribs are very sore. I can not lay on my sides or take deep breaths because of it and I am hoping it will soon go away. It is amazing to me that I still have three months left, it seems like Landon is out of room and I know he still has so much to grow.

On a good note, our chair came in and is now in Landon's room. That means I can go in there and just sit and relax and enjoy the room. Stephen and I went to the zoo yesterday and we had a good time. It was fun to go just the two of us, and to know that for years to come when we go to the zoo it will be to take our children but yesterday was just for us. Man the zoo is tiring, we walked so much and by the end of the day I was exhausted, but glad we went.

I am at work today and for the next two days...I am exhausted just thinking about the next three days, but so excited that on Thursday we will be in South Carolina and on the beach...YAY!

We are going to SC for 6 days to spend some time in Myrtle Beach and to see my brother, sister-in-law and nephew. We are so excited to just relax and take a break from our busy lives. Well that is all I have to update, hope everyone is well!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Busy Weedend!

Well We had a good weekend. Saturday we had an 8 hour birth class. Although we both learned a lot and left the class excited I have to admit I left pretty scared of the whole birthing process. It was good to get all the information we needed but it also made the reality set in.

Then today we went to Babies R Us and registered for all the things we will need. It was fun to look at everything, but oh my is it overwhelming. There is so much stuff, and tell me is it necessary that you have a formula mixer...can you not just shake a bottle these days? Anyway, we registered for lots of good stuff and it was so exciting to pick it all out.

Last but not least, I dont know if you noticed the change of title on the blog but we have decided on a name for our little man. We are anxious to meet Landon Reed in October. Hope all is well with everyone and again thanks for reading.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Room with Curtains

Scroll down and I added a few more pictures of the room to the last post. Hope you like them.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Our Nursery

So I have been promising for a long time that I would post pictures of the nursery and the day has finally come. Stephen has been working so hard to get it done and I am so proud of his hard work and how it turned out. We are not completely finished, we still need to get some pictures for the walls and such. We are also still waiting for our chair to come in, but so far it is looking good. I cant wait to see it with pictures on the walls and all the final touches. We could not of had such a beautiful nursery without the help of our parents. My parents bought all our furniture for the room and Stephens paretns bought all the bedding, the growth chart and the laundry hamper. It all looks so great put together and now we just need a healthy baby to use it.

Anyway here is the nursery from Start to Now!

We started with a very PINK room

Then Stephen marked where the wood was going to be

Then he cut out all the trim

and painted the white

and the brown

And finally we have an almost complete baby room

With a very cute crib

This is the super cute growth chart Stephens parents got us

Here is the room with the curtains haning

Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Well Stephen and I spent the weekend at the lake again with some of our very best friends. Although the weather was not the best on Saturday we still had a great time on the boat. Then on Sunday we went to Silver Dollar City. This was Stephen's first time at SDC and he had a great time. I obviously could not ride any of the rides but still had a great time. The weather was perfect and we love spending time with our friends. Here are a few pics from the weekend.

Stephen and I on my parents deck

Andrea, Michael, Mackenzie and I with our silly hats on and SDC

I hope everyone had a Happy 4th of July!