Thursday, October 21, 2010


We got Landon's one year pictures taken the other day and today the photographer posted a few on her blog.  Check them out and I will make sure to let you know how to view the rest later.  Hope you enjoy!

Just scroll down on the blog till you see Landon, he is the first ones today but she will probably add more shoots tomorrow.  His is dated October 21, 2010 so you can find it.  Or you can just click on the title of this post and it should take you there.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Pumpkin Patch #2

Today we went back to Faulkner’s Pumpkin Patch with some of my friends from work and their boys. There were four of us and we each have 1 little boy. All the boys were 2 and under and so it made for a very active and fun day. Christina took a lot of pictures so maybe I can post some better pictures later but below are a few that I took. I am no longer sick so this trip was much better for me!

Landon loved the animals, the hay ride, and just being outside. Our little play group has been a lot of fun and we are all looking forward to going to the zoo next week.

Ridding the play horse

Digging in the corn trailer

Getting a picture of 4 small children is pretty much impossible
(Rowan, Luke, Landon and Henry making a run for it)

Mommy and Landon on the hay ride
(yes, I cut my hair off)

The 4 boys, well at least the back of thier heads
(Rowan, Landon, Luke and Henry)

Hi Mom

Saturday, October 9, 2010

One Fun Filled Saturday

Today Landon and I had a fun day with our friends Christina, Brandon and Rowan. We started by going to the Louisburg apple cider mill and we thought it would be a fun day of picking apples and such. We were disappointed to find out that there are no apple trees and you only get to see how they make the apple cider. It was cool to see but not that entertaining to a 1 and 2 year old. We will have to look into finding an apple orchid that we can visit.

Anyway we decided to leave there and head to Deanna Rose Farmstead. It is always a good time and for $2 you can't go wrong. We got to see cows, pet goats, go on a nature trail, play on the slide and much more. I love doing fun things with Landon and I am excited to take him to the pumpkin patch tomorrow with Stephen and some of my family and then again on Friday with my friends from work. I will definitely post some pictures! The weather has been so great here lately that we have been able to do so many fun things.

While we were out having fun, Stephen and my brother Matt spent the day tiling our bathrooms. I missed having Stephen with us but was excited to see how much they got done on the bathrooms.

Well, I hope you enjoy the pictures from our fun day!

At the Cidar Mill

Rowan and Landon

Best Buddies

"Mommy can I eat this?"

Such a sweet baby!


September was a great month filled with so many fun activities and memories. We spent lots of time playing outside, swinging at the park, took Landon to the zoo, went to Deanna Rose farm with some of my friends from work, had dinner at mom and dad’s with Uncle Jason, spent an afternoon at Paradise Park with Andrea and Mackenzie and much more. We enjoyed watching Landon give up his army crawl and learn to craw on his hands and knees, cruise around furniture, walk behind push toys, crawl upstairs, and much more.

Landon also got sick for the first time this month and had a fever for three days. He has his first ear infection and earned himself 10 days of antibiotics. He is feeling much better now and hopefully this will be the only ear infection he will have to face.

We are very excited that it is October and cannot believe that Landon will be 1 soon. Nana and Granddad are coming in town for his birthday party and we will be celebrating with family and friends.

Landon loved the zoo even more than we thought but his favorite were the monkeys

at the zoo

swinging in the park

Landon and his friend Charlie

Deanna rose with friends from work...we had so much fun!

Landon loved to pet the goats

playing in the block room at Paradise Park

Mackenzie in the ball pit

Can I ring you up?

Umm this doughnut is yummy

Uncle Jason...I love you!

Friday, September 10, 2010

West Virgina

The last weekend in August Stephen, Landon and I headed to West Virginia to visit Stephens’s family. It was a quick trip but it was great to see everyone. We were able to spend lots of time with Stephen's parents and brother and also able to see grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, cousins and friends. Saturday Teresa had a cookout and everyone came to spend time with us and of course see Landon. Sunday we went to church and then out to lunch with Mama and Papa. Sunday night we went out for a great dinner to celebrate Tom and Teresa's and our anniversaries. We had to head back home Monday and although the trip was fast we had a lot of fun and look forward to seeing Nana and Grandad again in October.

Mama, Papa and Landon (Teresa's parents)

Cousin Kyleigh

Landon and Granny (Tom's mom)

Nana and Landon at breakfast

Uncle Benji

4 Generations on the Hammack side

Landon with Grandad and Nana

Mama rocking Landon to sleep

4 generations on the Lewis side


Our weekend trips to the lake this summer are coming to an end so we decided to head down and enjoy two days on the boat while the weather was still so good. Two of my friends from work, Christina and Lauren and their families went. Christina has a little boy Rowan who is two years old and it was fun to have the kids together. We had so much fun hanging out on the boat, eating good food and just relaxing. We will have to do it again next summer!

Here are a few pictures from the weekend.

Landon helping Daddy pack

Rowan on the way down...notice Tanner!

Landon enjoying the baby pool on the boat

Rowan driving the boat

Yummy...I love pancakes

Rowan on the way home...this is one warn out little guy

San Diego

At the beginning of August the Batliner crew headed to San Diego for a family vacation. Everyone was able to go and we had so much fun. I cannot believe how good Landon was, he slept in his pack and play and adjusted to the time change very well. Our days were packed with lots of fun time with family and great food. On Saturday when we got there we checked into our resort and Stephen and Landon took a nap while the rest of us headed to the pool for a few hours before dinner.

Sunday we drove to Coronado Island and walked around the hotel and spent the afternoon at the beach. This was Landon's first visit to the beach. He loved it and thought is was fun to eat the sand. He also loved to just feel the sand in his hands.

Then on Monday we went to Legoland. My niece Alexis has wanted to go to Legoland for the last few years and we all had a great time. There were not many rides Landon was big enough to ride but he still had tons of fun watching everyone and cruising around in his stroller. He did get to ride the train with mommy and he thought that was pretty cool.

Tuesday we had another fun filled day spent at Sea World. Stephen and I are huge animal lovers and it seems we have passed that on to Landon. This is definitely a place we will take him again. He loved all the animals and his favorite was the whale show, Baba bought him a Shamu to remember his trip. It is amazing to me how good a 9 month old can be at an amusement park all day. He took two sort naps and smiled and laughed all day.

Wednesday we rested and hung around the resort at the pool before going out to a very nice dinner. Thursday we drove up the beautiful cost of California, stopping at Laguna for lunch and Malibu for dinner. My Aunt Monica lives in California and she met us for dinner in Malibu and it was great to see her and get a chance to catch up. The drive back from Malibu was a little quite with most everyone sleeping.

Friday was the day we headed home so we sleep in, packed up and had a nice lunch before heading to the airport. I cannot express how blessed my family is, the fact that we can get 19 people on vacation at the same time is amazing. But the true blessing is that we have so much fun together and it truly is something I look forward to all year. It was so great to spend time with Jason, Jenny and Charlie and it made me realize how much I miss them and wish Charlie and Landon could grow up together. Charlie and Landon are the closest in age of the grandkids and it just makes me so sad to think they won’t get to grow together. I had such a close relationship to my cousin Michelle growing up and I want so badly for Landon to have that same type of relationship. Hopefully they will develop a great relationship when they see each other and grow closer every year.

I want to thank my mom and dad for making our trip possible; we cannot express how much we appreciate making these memories. We had such a good time and we LOVE you!

Here are some pictures to enjoy!

Lunch at the resort

Landon with Baba and Papa at Hotel de Coronado

Papa and Landon at lunch

I sure like the sand Papa

Landon and Charlie ready for Legoland

All the Grandkids at Legoland

Cute Cousins

I'm so big!

Ready for some food

Hurry up...where is my food?

I love Shamu

Watching the whale show

fun times at the pool

lunch in Laguna Beach

Landon and Alexis at dinner in Malibu

Are you sure we have to go home?