Saturday, February 21, 2009

We are Pregnant!

Well I had been feeling different for the last few weeks. I have had some cramps and such. I decided on Tuesday to take a pregnancy test and it was negative. I was feeling about the same and so on Thursday night we decided to take another test and to our surprise it was POSITIVE.
Stephen and I are very excited to be pregnant with our first child. We have been married for about a year and a half and have wanted children for awhile. I am going to the doctor on Monday to get some lab work drawn to confirm the pregnancy before we tell our whole family. Although I am so excited that I am not sure we will make it.
Stephen's parents live in WV but they are coming in town in just two weeks so we are going to wait and tell them in person. As for my parents I think we will tell them first since we see them so much more and neither of us are very good at keeping secrets. I talk to my mom so much about everything in my life that I am sure she already has an idea.
I can not explain the way we are feeling right now. We are excited, overwhelmed, scared and overall ecstatic. I am a NICU nurse so of course I am just praying that everything will be okay.
We are planning on going to the book store today to get a few books to read along the way. If I am correct I think I am about 4 weeks and am due at the end of October.
Please keep our family in your prayers. We will keep everyone updated!

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