Friday, February 27, 2009

Labs again

I had labs drawn again today and everything continues to look great. My Hcg today was 3304 and my progesterone was 19.4. Both of those are great. I am off to the lake for the weekend with my parents and grandparetns and it is going to be hard to make it through the whole weekend without saying anything. But I guess I can wait one more week.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Labs are good

The Doctor called me today to tell me that my labs all came back good. My HCG was around 1000 and my progesterone was 29.9. So far so good. I will be getting my labs checked again on Friday to make sure they are increasing as they should. I then will be going for my first prenatal appointment next Monday. So far I am feeling pretty good, I have some cramping here and there but nothing too bad yet.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Blood work and first ultrasound

I had some blood drawn today to look at my hormone levels, it could take a few days to get the results but hopefully everything looks good. I have been having some really bad cramps lately and so Dr. Capeli decided to have me get an early ultrasound done. I went to get that this morning and I am still so early that it was hard to see anything. The tech did say that she saw one or two areas that could be the start of a sac. I don’t know if that means there could be twins in our future or if just one of those areas will truly turn into a sac. She suggested that I have another ultrasound in a week or two. I go to see my Doctor next Monday so we will see...maybe he will take another look then.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

We told my parents

We spent the afternoon with my parents and we were so excited about our news that we had to spill the beans. We went to lunch and gave my parents a late Valentines Day card with a positive pregnancy test in it. My mom opened the card and did not really know what she was looking at. My mom had her childrens before over the counter pregnancy test were really around and so she had never really seen one. It took her a second to figure out what it was but once she did she was so excited. Both of my parents were very happy. Telling my parents felt great but it made me realize how much I want to tell Stephens parents. Is is so hard to not just call them on the phone and tell them, but we both really want to do it in person.
After lunch my parents we went to the bookstore and they bought us a few books to read during the pregnancy. It was so fun to be able to share the excitment with others.
I am excited to get my labs drawn tomorrow to make sure everything is okay and that my hormone levels are were they should be.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

We are Pregnant!

Well I had been feeling different for the last few weeks. I have had some cramps and such. I decided on Tuesday to take a pregnancy test and it was negative. I was feeling about the same and so on Thursday night we decided to take another test and to our surprise it was POSITIVE.
Stephen and I are very excited to be pregnant with our first child. We have been married for about a year and a half and have wanted children for awhile. I am going to the doctor on Monday to get some lab work drawn to confirm the pregnancy before we tell our whole family. Although I am so excited that I am not sure we will make it.
Stephen's parents live in WV but they are coming in town in just two weeks so we are going to wait and tell them in person. As for my parents I think we will tell them first since we see them so much more and neither of us are very good at keeping secrets. I talk to my mom so much about everything in my life that I am sure she already has an idea.
I can not explain the way we are feeling right now. We are excited, overwhelmed, scared and overall ecstatic. I am a NICU nurse so of course I am just praying that everything will be okay.
We are planning on going to the book store today to get a few books to read along the way. If I am correct I think I am about 4 weeks and am due at the end of October.
Please keep our family in your prayers. We will keep everyone updated!