Monday, April 25, 2011


Landon is at the perfect age to really get into Easter and we had so much fun with him. He really understands how to find the eggs and to put them in his basket. We had several egg hunts and by Easter Sunday he was a pro! He looked so handsome in his dress clothes and loved spending time with his cousins. He has always loved to dance to music and he is becoming such a little ham. I hope you enjoy the pictures and video!

our neighborhood egg hunt

Landon with the Easter Bunny

so big!

"mamma, look an egg"

     Mommy, Landon and Daddy

Mommy and Landon

 Baba, Landon, Great Nanie and Mommy
 Baba, Landon and Papa

Landon and Papa

     Baba, Landon, Ashley and Great Papa
Landon, Tyler and Elizabeth

Tyler, Ellie, Landon, Alexis, Elizabeth and Mallory

Kalani, Demetrius, Tyler, Ellie, Elizabeth, Alexis, Landon and Mallory
More eggs to find

"Look Baba, more eggs"

April Fun

April has been so much fun and I cannot believe May is just around the corner.  We are so excited for the weather to turn nice and for us to be able to play outside all the time.  The last few weeks have given us a great glimpse of how much fun spring and summer will be.  Tom and Teresa came to visit and we had such a good time.  We went to the lake for the weekend with all four grandparents and we had so much fun playing and spending time together.  Also when Nana and Gradad were here they got to do lots of fun things with Landon include Deanna Rose, Paradise Park, Gymboree class and lots of playing outside.  Here are some fun pictures of the last few weeks.

                                                    He loves Papa's Turtle

                                                Fun time on the boat
Nana and Landon at the Landing

Landon and daddy petting the cow

His favorite was feeding the goats

Landon and Elizabeth

Grandad, Nana and Landon

Baba, Elizabeth, Landon and Nana

                                                 His new slide and basket ball goal

Bath time after playing outside

He is just too cute!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Last 6 Months

I have been so bad about posting but I know all our family in WV wanders what our little man looks like and what he is up to so I am trying to update. My goal is to post at least twice a month. I am starting small in hopes of keeping it. I didn’t just want to start from now but there is no way I could post about everything he has done in the last 6 months. So I am just going to tell you a little about what he is up to now and share lots of pictures from the last 6 months. I hope you enjoy!

He is now of course walking and running everywhere. He needs little help from me or anyone getting around the house. He can go up and down the stairs by himself. He is talking so much and some of the words we hear the most are: Momma, Dada, Baba, Papa, dog dog, Tucker, no, yeah, please, thanks, elmo, car, truck, Nana, Grandad, Mal Mal, Ty Ty, hop, quack, duck, cup, ball, go, cookie, milk, shoes. Now some of these words might not sound quite like the word to you but we know what he is saying.

His favorite things to do are read books, play outside, play with his car or any kind of ball. He also loves his cousins and generally all people and he still loves to look at faces. He sleeps great for about 12 hours a night and takes 1 -2 good naps, he is a great eater that will try almost anything. His favorites are grapes, bananas, chicken, hot dogs, fries, pb&j, applesauce, goldfish, potatoes, corn and of course cookies of any kind.

He is such a joy in our lives and we love everyday with him. We cannot believe he is 18 months old today and we hope God blesses us with another healthy happy child in the near future.

Here are tons of pictures of our little man. Just check out how much he has grown in the past 6 months!

 Landon was a monkey for Halloween and we had a great time celebrating at Uncle Matt and Aunt Erins.  We also had fun at trunk or treat at church and even went on a hay ride.

Thanksgiving was a great day spent with Family.  Landon also got to go to Paradise Park this month with Baba and Elizabeth!

We had a great Christmas and celebrated all month.  From our progressive dinner, seeing Santa Clause to dinner at Baba's on Christmas Day.  Santa came to visit and Landon loved opeining presents. His favorite was his car from Great Grandpa Batliner!

After we rang in the New Year at Baba and Papa's we headed to WV to see all our family there.  We had so much fun at Nana and Grandad's house and it was hard to say goodbye.  The rest of the month was cold and snowy and we spent a lot of days inside!

Another cold month but we were able to do some fun things like Paradise Park, playdates with friends and shopping with mom while dad was out of town.

The weather started to warm up and we were able to play outside some.  We also had a great time at the St. Patrick's Day Parade with our friends Christina and Rowan.

April:  Coming Soon!